'우분투 11.10 콘솔모드 부팅'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2012.10.18 [펌] Disable GUI Boot in Ubuntu 11.10
61.Linux2012. 10. 18. 05:46

출처 : http://www.techienote.com/2012/01/disable-gui-boot-in-ubuntu-11-10.html

Is it possible to disable GUI / X at boot time? So many Ubuntu 11.10 Desktop edition users are asking the same question. On my ubuntu machine I have done following steps to disable GUI boot in ubuntu 11.10

Step 1 First update your repository by running

sudo apt-get update

Step 2 There is some bug in old version of lightdm, so we need to upgrade the same. To do so run,

sudo apt-get install lightdm

Step 3 Now we have to modify grub config.
Step 3a Open /etc/default/grub with your faviourite editor and change




Step 3b Also comment GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 This line is for unhiding the GRUB menu

Step 4 Now we will upgrade GRUB configuration

sudo update-grub

Step 5 Ubuntu 11.10 Desktop edition use lightdm for GUI. We need to disable the same

sudo update-rc.d -f lightdm remove

Step 6 Now restart your machine. Voilla you will be in console mode

At any time you need after booting your system you want to change to gui mode the run


If you want to restore Ubuntu’s GUI mode then

Open /etc/default/grub with your faviourite editor and change




Update GRUB by running

sudo update-grub

To restore lightdm run

sudo update-rc.d lightdm defaults

That’s it

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