- Example 1 - Starter HTML page with a text input
- Example 2 - Added keyup event listener on textInput.
- Example 3 - Extracting text from the text input as it changes.
- Example 4 - Updating a span when input text changes using the DOM API.
- Example 5 - Updating a span when input text changes using jQuery.
- Example 6 - Updating a span when input text changes using Backbone.
- Example 7 - Updating a template when input text changes using Angular.
- Example 8 - Data binding with many text inputs.
- Example 9 - First name and last name.
- Example 10 - Initializing the model using an Angular controller, defined with a global function.
- Example 11 - Initializing the model using an Angular controller, defined within an Angular module.
- Example 12 - Changing scope values asynchronously - updates don't propagate without .apply().
- Example 13 - Changing scope values asynchronously - updates propagate .apply().
- Example 14 - Looping over lists in templates using ng-repeat.
- Example 15 - Adding entries to a list using forms and ng-submit.
- Example 16 - Clearing the entered name on submit using data binding.
- Example 17 - Removing names from a list using ng-click.
- Example 18 - Enumerating objects - countries and their populations.
- Example 19 - Building a table.
- Example 20 - Fetching JSON.
- Example 21 - Dependency injection syntax for minification.
- Example 22 - Adding search using Angular filters.
- Example 23 - Sorting in ng-repeat using orderBy
- Example 24 - Sorting in descending order
- Example 25 - Sorting table columns interactively.
- Example 26 - Interactively reversing sort order.
- Example 27 - Adding country flag images.
- Example 28 - Using ng-src.
- Example 29 - Adding capital data.
- Example 30 - Adding GDP data
- Example 31 - Formatting currency using Angular filters in templates.
- Example 32 - Formatting population using Angular filters in templates.
- Example 33 - Preparing for routing - making a simple country listing.
- Example 34 - Getting started with routing using ngRoute
- Example 35 - Moving templates for routes into separate files
- Example 36 - Extracting and using parameters from routes
- Example 37 - Using links with routes for navigation between views
- Example 38 - Looking up details for a single country
- Example 39 - Surfacing data on the country details page
- Example 40 - Creating a service for loading the list of countries
- Example 41 - Extracting the country details query into a service
- Example 42 - Caching JSON data in a service.
- Example 43 - Caching JSON using cache option
- Example 44 - Creating a custom filter to encode URIs
- Example 45 - Simulating a RESTful service by splitting the JSON data across files.
- Example 46 - Creating a custom Angular directive for country entries.
- Example 47 - Adding a controller to our custom directive
- Example 48 - Fetching data within custom directives - adding flags to the country listing.
- Example 49 - Extracting controllers into a separate module
- Example 50 - Extracting factories and directives to separate modules using method chaining.