'80 AJAX solutions that are excellent and usefull'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2010.10.29 80 AJAX solutions that are excellent and usefull
06.Ajax2010. 10. 29. 11:35

AJAX Solutions can be used by web developers to create amazing applications. Dozens of projects, even Gmail, made with AJAX provide new interactivity for applications that can have enhanced user functionality. Using AJAX, better, faster, more flexible web solutions are available. AJAX is the first step toward web applications of the future.

What exactly is AJAX? AJAX is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, and though some think it’s a new programming language, it’s really not. AJAX is basically XHTML, DOM, CSS, XML, XMLHttpRequest used together to do one thing, which is to improve the user-server interaction.
• To better understand AJAX, check out some articles about it.
• To learn the AJAX basics, look up some tutorials.
• To learn about CSS, look up some articles and tutorials.

Remember: Google is your friend!
Contained in this article are 80+ AJAX scripts and resources you should have at your side while designing your own applications. Auto-completion, instant field editing, menus, calendars, interactive elements, visual effects, animation, basic Javascript, as well as an extensive developer’s suite are contained here for a useful toolbox, so that you don’t have to go through a huge list of bookmarks.

Auto Complete Scripts

1. AJAX AutoSuggest

2. AJAX Autocompleter / script.aculo.us library

3. AJAX AutoCompleter

4. Ajax autosuggest/autocomplete from database

5. Ajax dynamic list

Instant Editor Scripts

6. AJAX inline text edit 2.0

7. AJAX & CSS Flickr-like Editing Fields

8. AJAX Instant Edit

Tab and Menu Scripts

9. 14 Tab-Based Interface Techniques

10. AJAX Accordion Navigation

11. AJAX Dialogs, Menus, Grids, Trees and Views

12. AJAX Tab Module - Closeable Implementation

13. Ajax Tabs Content

14. MooTabs - Tiny tab class for MooTools

15. Dynamically loaded articles

Calendar/Datetime Scripts

16. AJAX Datetime Toolbocks - Intuitive Date Input Selection

17. AJAX Calendars

Interactive Elements Scripts

18. AJAX Floating Windows

19. AJAX Star Rating Bar

20. Ajax poller

Developer’s Suite Scripts

21. AJAX HistoryManager, Pagination

22. AJAX Login System Demo

23. AJAX image preloader

24. AJAX Tooltips: Nice Titles revised | Blog | 1976design.com

25. 40+ Tooltips Scripts With AJAX, JavaScript & CSS | Smashing Magazine

26. AJAX Web Controls

27. AJAX syntaxhighlighter

28. Transparent Message

29. ModalBox — An easy way to create popups and wizards

30. Chained select boxes

31. Fly to basket

32. AJAX Key Events Signal

33. Disable form submit on enter keypress

Enhanced Solutions

34. AJAX Instant Completion

35. Novemberborn: Event Cache

36. Altering CSS Class Attributes with JavaScript

37. Select Some Checkboxes JavaScript Function

38. AJAX Emprise Charts

39. amCharts: customizable flash Pie & Donut chart

40. PJ Hyett : The Lightbox Effect without Lightbox


41. AJAX Upload Form

42. An AJAX contact form

43. AJAX contact form

44. Ajax.Form

45. Ajax form validation

46. Really easy field validation

47. AJAX fValidate

48. Ajax newsletter form

49. wForms

Tables and Grids

50. Data Grids with AJAX, DHTML and JavaScript | Smashing Magazine

51. Grid3 Example

52. AJAX Table Sort Script (revisited)

53. AJAX Sortable Tables

54. AJAX TableKit

Showcases, Galleries, and Lightbox Scripts

55. 30 Scripts For Galleries, Slideshows and Lightboxes | Smashing Magazine

56. AJAX LightBox, Sexy Box, Thick Box

57. AJAX Lightbox JS

58. AJAX Unobtrusive Popup - GreyBox

59. SmoothGallery: Mootools Mojo for Images | Full gallery

60. AJAX Libraries and Frameworks

Animation and Visual Effects Scripts

61. How to Create Digg Comment Style Sliding DIVs with Javascript and CSS

62. How to Create a Collapsible DIV with Javascript and CSS

63. How to Create an Animated, Sliding, Collapsible DIV with Javascript and CSS

64. AJAX Shopcart

65. Draggable content

66. Dragable RSS boxes

67. AJAX Pull Down Effect

68. AJAX Animation Effects

69. Combination Effects in scriptaculous wiki

70. AJAX Motion Transition

Useful Javascript Scripts

71. 9 Javascript(s) you better not miss!

72. Top 10 custom JavaScript functions of all time

73. Hyperdisc Materials: JavaScript: Top 10: Automatic Breadcrumb Trail

74. JavaScript: Top 10 Most Useful JavaScripts

75. My Favorite Javascripts for Designers: Blakems.com ?

More Resources and Galleries

76. Max Kiesler - mHub : Ajax and rails examples & how-to’s

77. Ajax Resources

78. DZone Snippets: Store, sort and share source code, with tag goodness

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