'Aptana Studio Eclipse Plug-in Installation'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2012.10.03 Aptana Studio Eclipse Plug-in Installation
56. Eclipse Etc.../Eclipse2012. 10. 3. 01:37

Eclipse Plug-in Installation

Installing via Eclipse

Please copy the following Update Site URL to your clipboard and then follow the steps listed below to add this URL to your Available Software Sites list. Attempting to access this URL using your web browser will return an Access Denied error.


  1. From the Help menu, select Install New Software... to open the Install New Software dialog.
  2. Paste the URL for the update site into the Work With text box, and hit the Enter (or Return) key.
  3. In the populated table below, check the box next to the name of the plug-in, and then click the Next button.
  4. Click the Next button to go to the license page.
  5. Choose the option to accept the terms of the license agreement, and click the Finish button.
  6. You may need to restart Eclipse to continue.


If you are reading this, we'd like to thank you for your interest Aptana Studio. Please read through this guide carefully.

For Aptana Studio 2 Upgraders

Aptana Studio 3 is intended to be completely independent from Aptana Studio 2. You can install both Studio 2 and Studio 3 separately and run them both on the same machine, since they will use different workspace directories. If you wish to import your Studio 2 projects into Studio 3, you can follow instructions here.


Before you install the Release, you should have the following tools installed and working correctly:

  • Sun/Oracle Java 1.5.x or later on Mac and Linux. OpenJDK is not yet supported. The Windows installer includes a compatible version of Java.
  • Git is required because it is used internally to update your scripting environment. On Windows, we recommend PortableGit from msysgit because we also require its bash shell for executing commands. If you don't have msysgit installed, Studio 3 will offer to install it for its own internal use.
  • If you are installing Studio 3 as an Eclipse plugin, you must use Eclipse 3.5 or better.

If you intend to do Ruby on Rails development, you will also need to set up your Ruby and Rails development environment:

  • Ruby 1.8.7+ and/or 1.9.1+ (on Windows, we recommend RubyInstaller along with its optional DevKit addon). You can use other ruby runtimes (e.g. jruby) if you like, but we expect to find ruby and gem tools on your path by name. Plus we haven't tested debugging with other interpreters yet, so debugging may not work if you use an alternate runtime.
  • Rails (2.x and/or 3.0)
  • The gem that supports the database(s) of your choice.
  • For debugging, you will need to have the ruby-debug-base and ruby-debug-ide gems installed.

You should also make sure that your login PATH is set up correctly such that you can execute the ruby, gem, rails, and git commands correctly. Setting these things up in your .bashrc (or equivalent) isn't sufficient, because it doesn't get evaluated by default when GUI applications like Aptana Studio 3 get launched.

Ruby switching utilities like rvm should also work, provided that you set them up in your login PATH as well.

If getting your login PATH set up in this way isn't practical for you, you can work around the problem by launching Aptana Studio 3 from the command line, using the studio3 command line utility. This utility can be found at the top level of the Aptana Studio 3 installation folder, so you can put that folder in your PATH for convenience. (The command line utility can also be called after Aptana Studio 3 is running, to get it to open source code files for editing.)

Update Your Installation Regularly

The IDE is configured to check for updates from our update site, and we plan on releasing new versions on a regular schedule.

Getting Started With Studio 3

Check the help system for links on geting started and how to use various features.

Providing Feedback and Reporting Bugs

  • Browse Discussions

    The active community around Aptana Studio includes documentation, Aptana communications and member conversations.
  • Bug Tracker

    Found a bug? Use our bug tracker to see the list of open and closed bugs as well as submit new tickets.


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