'How to use entities for special characters'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2010.11.22 How to use entities for special characters

How to use entities for special characters

For copyright notices, or trademarks it is customary to include the appropriate signs:

Symbol Entity Example
Copyright sign © Copyright © 1999 W3C
Registered trademark ® MagiCo ®
Trademark ™ Webfarer™

Note HTML 4.0 defines ™ for the trademark sign but this is not yet as widely supported as ™

There are a number of other entities you may find useful:

Symbol Entity Example
Less than &lt; <
Greater than &gt; >
Ampersand &amp; &
nonbreaking space &nbsp;  
em dash &#8212;
quotation mark &quot; "

And then, there are entities for accented characters and miscellaneous symbols in the Latin-1 character set:

  &nbsp; &#160; Ð &ETH; &#208;
¡ &iexcl; &#161; Ñ &Ntilde; &#209;
¢ &cent; &#162; Ò &Ograve; &#210;
£ &pound; &#163; Ó &Oacute; &#211;
¤ &curren; &#164; Ô &Ocirc; &#212;
¥ &yen; &#165; Õ &Otilde; &#213;
¦ &brvbar; &#166; Ö &Ouml; &#214;
§ &sect; &#167; × &times; &#215;
¨ &uml; &#168; Ø &Oslash; &#216;
© &copy; &#169; Ù &Ugrave; &#217;
ª &ordf; &#170; Ú &Uacute; &#218;
« &laquo; &#171; Û &Ucirc; &#219;
¬ &not; &#172; Ü &Uuml; &#220;
­ &shy; &#173; Ý &Yacute; &#221;
® &reg; &#174; Þ &THORN; &#222;
¯ &macr; &#175; ß &szlig; &#223;
° &deg; &#176; à &agrave; &#224;
± &plusmn; &#177; á &aacute; &#225;
² &sup2; &#178; â &acirc; &#226;
³ &sup3; &#179; ã &atilde; &#227;
´ &acute; &#180; ä &auml; &#228;
µ &micro; &#181; å &aring; &#229;
&para; &#182; æ &aelig; &#230;
· &middot; &#183; ç &ccedil; &#231;
¸ &cedil; &#184; è &egrave; &#232;
¹ &sup1; &#185; é &eacute; &#233;
º &ordm; &#186; ê &ecirc; &#234;
» &raquo; &#187; ë &euml; &#235;
¼ &frac14; &#188; ì &igrave; &#236;
½ &frac12; &#189; í &iacute; &#237;
¾ &frac34; &#190; î &icirc; &#238;
¿ &iquest; &#191; ï &iuml; &#239;
À &Agrave; &#192; ð &eth; &#240;
Á &Aacute; &#193; ñ &ntilde; &#241;
 &Acirc; &#194; ò &ograve; &#242;
à &Atilde; &#195; ó &oacute; &#243;
Ä &Auml; &#196; ô &ocirc; &#244;
Å &Aring; &#197; õ &otilde; &#245;
Æ &AElig; &#198; ö &ouml; &#246;
Ç &Ccedil; &#199; ÷ &divide; &#247;
È &Egrave; &#200; ø &oslash; &#248;
É &Eacute; &#201; ù &ugrave; &#249;
Ê &Ecirc; &#202; ú &uacute; &#250;
Ë &Euml; &#203; û &ucirc; &#251;
Ì &Igrave; &#204; ü &uuml; &#252;
Í &Iacute; &#205; ý &yacute; &#253;
Î &Icirc; &#206; þ &thorn; &#254;
Ï &Iuml; &#207; ÿ &yuml; &#255;

You can also use numeric character entities for the greek letters and mathematical symbols defined in Unicode. For more details, take a look at the list specified in the HTML 4 specification. Note that the entity names for these characters aren't recognized in Navigator 4, so you are recommended to stick to the numeric entities instead.

Posted by 1010