'ORA-06508 PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called ~'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2014.11.21 [펌] ORA-06508 PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called ~
02.Oracle/DataBase2014. 11. 21. 19:21

출처 : http://tip.daum.net/question/62996518

ORA-06508 PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called ~


<< 환경 >>

인터페이스 모듈을 프로시져로 작성하고 있습니다.

Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production


인스턴스 instance-1 이 있구요.

인스턴스 안에 스키마 user-1 , user-2가 있습니다.


user-2에서 프로시져를 작성했구요 프로시져 안에서 user-1 에서 만든 패키지 pkg_1를 콜합니다.

pkg_1은 user-2의 다른 pkg_2를 콜합니다.


( user_2.프로시져 -> user_1.pkg_1 -> user_2.pkg_2 ) 이런 식입니다.


<< 에러현상 재현>>

여러분들이 많이 쓰시는 Toad나 Orange, Develper 등에서 user_2로 login해서 작업합니다.


작업1] session-1st를 생성 -> 1st session에서 프로시져를 실행했을때 문제없이 돌아갑니다.


작업2] session-2nd를 생성 -> 2nd session에서 프로시져를 실행했을때 마찬가지로 문제없이 돌아갑니다.


작업3] session-1st에서 프로지져안에서 콜하는 pkg_2를 컴파일 합니다. (user_2는 권한가지고있음)

        (이때 pkg_1은 invalid 상태로 변합니다.)


작업4] session-2nd에서 해당 프로시져를 콜하면 위와 같은 에러메시지가 나옵니다.


작업5] session-1st에서 invalid인 pkg_1을 재컴파일하지 않은 상태에서 프로지져실행 -> 잘돌아갑니다. (이때 invalid한 pkg_1은 valid한 상태로 바뀝니다.)


작업6] session-2nd에서 프로시져를 실행 -> 같은 에러가 나옵니다.


작업7] session-3rd를 생성 -> 3rd session에서 프로시져를 실행했을때 문제없이 돌아갑니다.


작업8] session-2nd에서 프로시져를 실행 -> 같은 에러가 나옵니다


==> 정리하면 pkg_2를 컴파일하는 session은 전혀 문제가 없습니다.

==> session이 유지되고 있는 상태에서 다른 session이 자신이 access하는 pkg_2를 컴파일 하면 해당 session은 에러를 발생시키지만...새로 맺는 session은 에러를 발생시키지 않습니다.


이 현상을 파악하는데....1개월이 걸렸습니다.


그런데..해결 방안이 떠오르질 않네요..


좀 더 구체적으로 말씀드리자면...session-2nd는 EAI SERVER에서 Connection Pool이라고 생각하시면 됩니다. 그러니...새로운 .session을 맺으라는 얘기는 db를 restart하라는 얘기와 같습니다.


[[제 생각]]

제가 알기론 db가 구동될때...ORACLE SUB_PROGRAM(fn,sp,pkg등)정보를 Dictionary cache에 올리는 걸로 알고 있는데...이쪽에 원인이 있다고 생각하는데..(동기화등등 ) 암튼 지금..넘 막연하네요.


조치는 해야 하는데..하루하루가...죽을맛입니다...


그럼 부탁드리구요..좋은 하루 되세요...


pl/sql의 hot deploy가 안되는 경우입니다....


 1. dependency가 아주 깊이 있는 경우 invalid된 package가 자동 compile이 안되는 경우가 있읍니다.

 2. 수정에 의해 invalid된 package안에서 package level의 변수(전역변수)를 사용한 경우

    발생할수 있읍니다.


아래의 오라클 문서를 참고하세요.


ORA-04068 Errors from User-Written and Oracle Packages
 Doc ID:Note:106206.1Type:BULLETIN
 Last Revision Date:14-NOV-2006Status:PUBLISHED

Problem Description

You receive the following error from user-written and Oracle packages:

   ORA-04068  existing state of packages%s%s%s has been discarded

Causes of ORA-4068 Errors

1) A dependent object was altered through a DDL statement.

   When a package is compiled, all copies in the shared pool are
   flagged as invalid.  The next invocation of the package sees
   this flag set, and goes to get a new copy.  

   If the package is now invalid, cannot compile, or relied on 
   a package state (i.e., package level variables), then this error 
   occurs because the current copy of the package is no longer valid 
   and must be thrown out.

2) The package was changed or recompiled (both DDL) and the package
   being used contains package level variables.

   Same as above.  When a package dependency is altered through
   DDL statements (DROP, CREATE, ALTER, ...), this package is
   flagged as invalid through cascade invalidation.

3) A package relied on another package that had no body, and during
   execution, the call failed.

   When a package is compiled, it only looks for the specification.  
   During execution, it calls a non-existent routine and throws an 
   error.  This error then invalidates the package.

   Another variation is if the procedure being called is not defined
   in the package body and possibly as a standalone routine.

4) A remote dependent object has been altered through a DDL statement.
   This can occur between database instances or from Forms or Reports
   to a database instance.

   The default remote dependency model uses the Timestamp model, and when 
   an execution of a procedure takes place, the remote object's timestamp 
   is validated, thus forcing invalidation on the local package.

   To check for these situations, several SQL statements can be run:

  a. To check the package's last compile:

     SELECT object_name, object_type, owner, status, last_ddl_time FROM
       dba_objects WHERE object_name = '<PACKAGE NAME>';

     For example:

     SQL> SELECT object_name, object_type, owner, status, last_ddl_time FROM
       2    dba_objects WHERE object_name = 'DBMS_SQL';

     OBJECT_TYPE   OWNER                          STATUS  LAST_DDL_
     ------------- ------------------------------ ------- ---------
     PACKAGE       SYS                            VALID   13-JUL-99

     PACKAGE BODY  SYS                            VALID   13-JUL-99

     SYNONYM       PUBLIC                         VALID   13-JUL-99


  b. To check the dependent objects last alteration:

     SELECT object_name, object_type, owner, status, last_ddl_time FROM
       dba_objects WHERE ( object_name, object_type ) IN ( SELECT
       referenced_name, referenced_type FROM dba_dependencies WHERE name =
       '<PACKAGE NAME>' );

     For example:

     SQL> SELECT object_name, object_type, owner, status, last_ddl_time FROM
       2    dba_objects WHERE ( object_name, object_type ) IN ( SELECT
       3    referenced_name, referenced_type FROM dba_dependencies WHERE name =
       4    'DBMS_SQL' );

     OBJECT_TYPE   OWNER                          STATUS  LAST_DDL_
     ------------- ------------------------------ ------- ---------
     PACKAGE       SYS                            VALID   13-JUL-99

     PACKAGE       SYS                            VALID   13-JUL-99

     PACKAGE       SYS                            VALID   13-JUL-99


  c. To check for existing errors on package:

     SELECT name, type, text FROM dba_errors WHERE name = '<PACKAGE NAME>';

     For example:

     SQL> SELECT name, type, text FROM dba_errors WHERE name = 'DBMS_SQL';

     no rows selected


Solutions for ORA-4068 Errors

1) Simply re-execute the package.

   For example:

   Session 1:  Create the package and body for package p_pack:

   SQL> create or replace package p_pack as
     2      p_var varchar2(1);
     3      procedure p;
     4  end p_pack;
     5  /

   Package created.

   SQL> create or replace package body p_pack as
     2      procedure p is
     3          begin
     4              p_var := 1;
     5          end;
     6  end p_pack;
     7  /

   Package body created.


   Session 2:  Execute the package:

   SQL> exec p_pack.p

   PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


   Session 1:  Recreate the package and body:

   SQL> create or replace package p_pack as
     2      p_var varchar2(1);
     3      procedure p;
     4  end p_pack;
     5  /

   Package created.

   SQL> create or replace package body p_pack as
     2      procedure p is
     3          begin
     4              p_var := 1;
     5          end;
     6  end p_pack;
     7  /

   Package body created.


   Session 2:  Re-execute the package:

   SQL> exec p_pack.p
   begin p_pack.p; end;

   ERROR at line 1:
   ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded
   ORA-04061: existing state of package "SCOTT.P_PACK" has been invalidated
   ORA-04065: not executed, altered or dropped package "SCOTT.P_PACK"
   ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
   ORA-06512: at line 1

   SQL> exec p_pack.p

   PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


   As background, when the ORA-4068 is raised, ORACLE will throw away all 
   existing instantiations of the package.  When the package (more properly, 
   the subprogram referring to the package) is re-executed, ORACLE will 
   re-instantiate the package automatically (if possible), which 
   typically will succeed, and re-execution of the subprogram will succeed.

   An important proviso is that the ORA-4068 error must be unhandled on exit 
   from the subprogram in order for this solution to work.  It's only when an 
   _unhandled_ ORA-4068 is returned by PL/SQL to ORACLE that the needed 
   deinstantiations take place.  
   (The ORA-4068 may be handled in the subprogram and various actions 
   taken in the handler, but the error must be reraised in order for it to be 
   unhandled on exit from PL/SQL to get the desired deinstantiations.)

2) Attempt to recompile the package by using the ALTER PACKAGE command.

   For example:


   Package altered.


3) Verify that proper execute permissions have been provided.  In PL/SQL 
   stored program units, roles are disabled prior to the release of Oracle 
   8i.  Oracle 8i definers rights follow the previous release model of 
   requiring explicit permission to the object.  

   In Oracle 8i, if invoker's rights are set on the routine, then execution 
   is done with roles enabled, so permission could be granted explicitly to 
   the schema executing or through a role.  For additional information,
   refer to Note 162489.1 entitled "Invokers Rights Procedure Executed by Definers Rights Procedures".


   For example:

   SQL> SELECT owner, table_name, privilege FROM dba_tab_privs WHERE
     2    table_name = 'DBMS_SQL' AND ( grantee = 'SCOTT' OR grantee = 'PUBLIC' );

   OWNER                          TABLE_NAME
   ------------------------------ ------------------------------
   SYS                            DBMS_SQL


4) If errors exist (check DBA_ERRORS or USER_ERRORS views with above
   query), then take the appropriate action to correct the errors.  

   If the package is a system package that comes with the Oracle server, 
   the scripts are located in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin.  Most packages have
   their own .sql and .plb script to build the specification and body (see
   below for names).  

   System packages that come with the Oracle server, as well as other Oracle 
   products, typically need to be owned by a particular schema.  In the case 
   of the Oracle server DBMS packages, these need to be owned by SYS.  If these
   packages are not owned by SYS, some packages start getting 'ORA-6509 PL/SQL 
   ICD vector missing for this package' errors.

5) If duplicate SYS owned objects exist, clean them up.  Refer to 
   Note 1030426.6, entitled "HOW TO CLEAN UP DUPLICATE OBJECTS OWNED BY 
   SYS AND SYSTEM SCHEMA", for information on this.

$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin Packages
System Package Name   Package Spc   Package Bdy   Owner
-------------------   -----------   -----------   -----
DBMS_ALERT            dbmsalrt.sql  prvtalrt.plb  SYS
DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO dbmsapin.sql  prvtapin.plb  SYS
DBMS_AQ               dbmsaq.plb    prvtaq.plb    SYS
DBMS_AQADM            dbmsaqad.sql  prvtaqad.plb  SYS
DBMS_CRYPTO_TOOLKIT   dbmsoctk.sql  prvtoctk.plb  SYS
DBMS_DDL              dbmsutil.sql  prvtutil.plb  SYS
DBMS_DEBUG            dbmspb.sql    prvtpb.plb    SYS
DBMS_DEFER            dbmsdefr.sql  prvtdefr.plb  SYS
DBMS_DEFER_QUERY      dbmsdefr.sql  prvtdefr.plb  SYS
DBMS_DEFER_SYS        dbmsdefr.sql  prvtdefr.plb  SYS
DBMS_DESCRIBE         dbmsdesc.sql  prvtdesc.plb  SYS
                      dbmstrst.sql  prvttrst.plb  SYS
DBMS_HS               dbmshs.sql    prvths.plb    SYS
DBMS_IOT              dbmsiotc.sql  prvtiotc.plb  SYS
DBMS_JOB              dbmsjob.sql   prvtjob.plb   SYS
DBMS_LOB              dbmslob.sql   prvtlob.plb   SYS
DBMS_LOCK             dbmslock.sql  prvtlock.plb  SYS
DBMS_LOGMNR           dbmslm.sql    prvtlm.plb    SYS
DBMS_LOGMNR_D         dbmslmd.sql   dbmslmd.sql   SYS
DBMS_OFFLINE_OG       dbmsofln.sql  prvtofln.plb  SYS
DBMS_OFFLINE_SNAPSHOT dbmsofsn.sql  prvtofsn.plb  SYS
                      dbmsotrc.sql  prvtotrc.plb  SYS
                      dbmsotrc.sql  prvtotrc.plb  SYS
DBMS_OUTPUT           dbmsotpt.sql  prvtotpt.plb  SYS
DBMS_PCLXUTIL         dbmsutil.sql  prvtutil.plb  SYS
DBMS_PIPE             dbmspipe.sql  prvtpipe.sql  SYS
DBMS_RANDOM           dbmsrand.sql  dbmsrand.sql  SYS
DBMS_RECTIFIER_DIFF   dbmsrctf.sql  prvtrctf.plb  SYS
DBMS_REFRESH          dbmssnap.sql  prvtsnap.plb  SYS
DBMS_REPAIR           dbmsrpr.sql   prvtrpr.plb   SYS
DBMS_REPCAT           dbmshrep.sql  prvtbrep.plb  SYS
DBMS_REPCAT_ADMIN     prvthdmn.plb  prvtbdmn.plb  SYS
                      dbmsrint.sql  prvtbrnt.plb  SYS
DBMS_REPCAT_RGT       dbmsrgt.sql   prvtbrgt.plb  SYS
DBMS_REPUTIL          dbms_gen.sql  prvtgen.plb   SYS
DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER dbmsrmad.sql  prvtrmad.plb  SYS
                      dbmsrmpr.sql  prvtrmpr.plb  SYS
DBMS_RLS              dbmsrlsa.sql  prvtrlsa.plb  SYS
DBMS_ROWID            dbmsutil.sql  prvtutil.plb  SYS
DBMS_SESSION          dbmsutil.sql  prvtutil.plb  SYS
DBMS_SHARED_POOL      dbmspool.sql  prvtpool.plb  SYS
DBMS_SNAPSHOT         dbmssnap.sql  prvtsnap.plb  SYS
DBMS_SPACE            dbmsutil.sql  prvtutil.plb  SYS
DBMS_SPACE_ADMIN      dbmsspc.sql   prvtspad.plb  SYS
DBMS_SQL              dbmssql.sql   prvtsql.plb   SYS
DBMS_STATS            dbmsstat.sql  prvtstat.plb  SYS
DBMS_TRACE            dbmspbt.sql   prvtpbt.plb   SYS
DBMS_TRANSACTION      dbmsutil.sql  prvtutil.plb  SYS
DBMS_UTILITY          dbmsutil.sql  prvtutil.plb  SYS
OUTLN_PKG             dbmsol.sql    prvtol.plb    SYS
UTL_COLL              utlcoll.sql   prvtcoll.plb  SYS
UTL_FILE              utlfile.sql   prvtfile.plb  SYS
UTL_HTTP              utlhttp.sql   prvthttp.plb  SYS
UTL_RAW               utlraw.sql    prvtrawb.plb  SYS
UTL_REF               utlref.sql    prvtref.plb   SYS


"Oracle7 Server Application Developer's Guide", (A32536-1)

"Oracle8 Server Application Developer's Guide", (A54642-01)

"Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals Release 8.1.5", 

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Note 1012129.102  ORA-4068,4067,6508 WHEN EXECUTING A PROCEDURE USING PLSQL

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