- https://github.com/ivanproskuryakov/Aisel Framework based on Symfony2 & AngularJShttp://aisel.co
- https://github.com/AgronKabashi/TemplateEngine (Design and build web applications using only your web browser)
- https://github.com/ShankarKamble/chat-with-geolocation - Angular Form Builder - AngularJS + Bootstrap + Node.js + MongoDB + Socket.io + Google Map (User Chat Application with GeoLocation in Mean Stack)
- https://github.com/ShankarKamble/Riffle-Shuffle-in-Mean-Stack - Angular Form Builder - AngularJS + Bootstrap + Node.js + MongoDB (Riffle Suffle Deal Deck in Mean Stack)
- https://github.com/shidhincr/LookAround - Angular + Bootstrap + Google Maps + Google Places API
- https://github.com/Goktug/NgVideo - Youtube Search Application with AngularJS and LocalStorage
- https://github.com/pkukielka/angular-panels - Bootstrap angular.js portal
- http://cupcakeipsum.com/ - Simple app for generating lorem-ipsum text
- http://cburgdorf.github.com/angular-todo-app/ - Awesome TODO app
- http://paul-hammant.github.com/StoryNavigator/navigator.html - Tabular presentation of static JSON data, with sorts/filters and a JQuery overlay.
- http://pread.ly - Preadly is a global big data media platform - Angular.
- https://github.com/tigbro/jquery-mobile-angular-adapter - jQuery mobile + angular
- https://github.com/tigbro/sencha-touch-angular-adapter - Sencha Touch + angular
- http://hookercookerman.github.com/angularjs-todos/ - Very simple ToDo list, but nice design :-D
- https://github.com/xrd/senkaku.js - SenchaTouch + angular
- https://github.com/apigee/WADL-builder - WADL builder
- https://github.com/dpavlin/angular-mojolicious
- https://github.com/twarogowski/Tasks - couple of custom widgets (autocomplete, date-picker, progress, …)
- https://github.com/mdolk/angular-java-server-midi - Building angular app using java server + maven. Piano keyboard keys laid out with Angular.
- https://github.com/vojtajina/helpdesk-client - HelpDesk client for REST service
- http://www.fluid.ie/angular/calculate/ - Calculator, command pattern, very nice UI
- https://github.com/centresource/angularjs_rails_demo
- http://vimeo.com/30328747 & http://vimeo.com/30329977 - AngularJS + Rails !!!
- http://search.bandwagon.sg/#/events - Live music gig finder
- http://movies.carlbarrdahl.se/ - Movie search
- https://github.com/ThomasBurleson/angularJS-CafeTownsend - Awesome CafeTownsend app
- https://github.com/sectore/CafeTownsend-Angular-Rails - Another CafeTownsend app using AngularJS and Rails
- https://github.com/agektmr/ProjectTabManager - Chrome Extension v2 using Angular
- https://github.com/ivan-dyachenko/bamboo-status - Chrome Extension using Angular and CoffeeScript
- https://github.com/thewildpendulum/angular-phonegap-seed - Angular + PhoneGap seed project
- https://github.com/gesellix/keepass-node - KeePass2 reader - AngularJS + Bootstrap + Angular-Treeview + ZeroClipboard + Node.js
- https://github.com/kelp404/angular-form-builder - Angular Form Builder - AngularJS + Bootstrap + jQuery
- https://github.com/dougjohnston/angular-drum-machine - Drum Machine built with Angular
Demo: http://drums.dojosto.com - https://github.com/markwylde/Flickular-Demo - example using services, directives, ajax, jasmine, karma, grunt
- http://www.zkoss.org/zk-angular-demo/ - Example using ZK MVVM + AngularJS + Bootstrap
- https://github.com/bvaughn/angular-form-for/ - Form creation and validation
- https://github.com/hrhrprasath/NgDicomViewer -An Angular application to view dicom images
- https://www.globaleaks.org - the first open-source whistleblowing framework
- https://waitwhile.com - Waitlist app for businesses to manage guest queues, with customizable SMS alerts, wait time estimator and customer insights.
- https://invoice-generator.com - One-click invoices with no sign up required