'google api 를 이용한 rss 서비스'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2009.11.06 google api 를 이용한 rss 서비스


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi?key=ABQIAAAAdV0OihhLfo4ru8N1BXzlWxSJ87f2VNqmObhB7kj4DJwDOGkiiBR3Nh79Pxxmk0DgEb3TTwZHI-Fp1g"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.blueb.co.kr/SRC/javascript/js/gfeedfetcher.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
.labelfield{ /*CSS for label field in general*/
font-size: 90%;

.datefield{ /*CSS for date field in general*/
font-size: 90%;

#example1 li{ /*CSS specific to demo 1*/
margin-bottom: 4px;

#example2 div{ /*CSS specific to demo 2*/
margin-bottom: 5px;

#example2 div a{ /*CSS specific to demo 2*/
text-decoration: none;

#example3 a{ /*CSS specific to demo 3*/
color: #D80101;
text-decoration: none;
font-weight: bold;

#example3 p{ /*CSS specific to demo 3*/
margin-bottom: 2px;

code{ /*CSS for insructions*/
color: red;

<b>Example 1: (Single RSS feed, 10 entries, "<code>date</code>" field enabled, sort by <code>title</code>)</b><p>
<a href="javascript:cssfeed.init()"><B>본 항목을 새로고침</B></a><br>
<script type="text/javascript">
var cssfeed=new gfeedfetcher("example1", "example1class", "")
    cssfeed.addFeed("문화일보", "http://news.naver.com/rss/rss_presscenter.nhn?office_id=021") //RSS주소 및 제목
    cssfeed.displayoptions("date") //날짜 필드 보여주기
    cssfeed.setentrycontainer("li") //정렬은 Li태그로
    cssfeed.filterfeed(10, "title") //목록은 10개
    cssfeed.init() //Always call this last

<b>Example 2: (Two RSS feeds, 6 entries, "<code>label"</code>, "<code>datetime</code>", and "<code>snippet</code>" fields enabled, sort by <code>label</code>)</b><p>
<a href="javascript:socialfeed.init()"><B>본 항목을 새로고침</B></a><br>
<script type="text/javascript">
var socialfeed=new gfeedfetcher("example2", "example2class", "_new")
    socialfeed.addFeed("동아일보", "http://news.naver.com/rss/rss_presscenter.nhn?office_id=020") //Specify "label" plus URL to RSS feed
    socialfeed.addFeed("조선일보", "http://news.naver.com/rss/rss_presscenter.nhn?office_id=023") //Specify "label" plus URL to RSS feed
    socialfeed.displayoptions("label datetime snippet") //show the specified additional fields
    socialfeed.setentrycontainer("div") //Display each entry as a DIV
    socialfeed.filterfeed(6, "label") //Show 6 entries, sort by label
    socialfeed.init() //Always call this last

<b>Example 3: (Three RSS feeds, 8 entries, "<code>datetime</code>" and "<code>snippet</code>" fields enabled, sort by <code>date</code>)</b><p>
<a href="javascript:newsfeed.init()"><B>본 항목을 새로고침</B></a><br>

<script type="text/javascript">
var newsfeed=new gfeedfetcher("example3", "example3class", "_new")
    newsfeed.addFeed("서울신문", "http://news.naver.com/rss/rss_presscenter.nhn?office_id=081") //Specify "label" plus URL to RSS feed
    newsfeed.addFeed("한겨레", "http://news.naver.com/rss/rss_presscenter.nhn?office_id=028") //Specify "label" plus URL to RSS feed
    newsfeed.addFeed("중앙일보", "http://news.naver.com/rss/rss_presscenter.nhn?office_id=025") //Specify "label" plus URL to RSS feed
    newsfeed.displayoptions("datetime snippet") //show the specified additional fields
    newsfeed.setentrycontainer("p") //Display each entry as a paragraph
    newsfeed.filterfeed(8, "date") //Show 8 entries, sort by date
    newsfeed.init() //Always call this last


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