I have two examples about eclipse coding style in java language based on eclispe.
Standard code style give to understand and analyze codes.
Download file xml file can be imported to your eclipse 3.X. And it is close to java code convention.
<Imporing Code Templates Sample>
In Eclipse, you may follow belows orders.
Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Code Template
You will see that pop up window. To import, you may clock Import button on the window, and you will see file explorer, and choose the downloaded sample file "CodeTemplates_sample.xml"
<Imporing Formatter Sample>
In Eclipse, you may follow belows orders.
Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Formatter
u will see that pop up window. To import, you may clock Import button on the window, and you will see file explorer, and choose the downloaded sample file "Formatter_sample.xml"
After clicking import button, you will see below pop-up window.
You can assign your formatter policy by choosing their options.