Spring Flex
Spring BlazeDS Integration is a top-level Spring project, and a component of the complete Spring Web stack. This project's purpose is to make it easier to build Spring-powered Rich Internet Applications using Adobe Flex as the front-end client. It aims to achieve this purpose by providing first-class support for using the open source Adobe BlazeDS project and its powerful remoting and messaging facilities in combination with the familiar Spring programming model.
The Flex Addon for Spring Roo is a new component that raises the bar for productivity in building Flex clients backed by Spring BlazeDS Integration on the server-side. By utilizing the next-generation code-generation and management facilities of Spring Roo, it provides the fastest way to get up and running with a new Spring-based Flex project by letting developers focus on doing what they do best - write code.
Spring BlazeDS Integration is a top-level Spring project, and a component of the complete Spring Web stack. This project's purpose is to make it easier to build Spring-powered Rich Internet Applications using Adobe Flex as the front-end client. It aims to achieve this purpose by providing first-class support for using the open source Adobe BlazeDS project and its powerful remoting and messaging facilities in combination with the familiar Spring programming model.
The Flex Addon for Spring Roo is a new component that raises the bar for productivity in building Flex clients backed by Spring BlazeDS Integration on the server-side. By utilizing the next-generation code-generation and management facilities of Spring Roo, it provides the fastest way to get up and running with a new Spring-based Flex project by letting developers focus on doing what they do best - write code.
Latest News
- The latest production release, Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.5.0 is now available! View the Official Announcement.
- Be sure to check out the 1.0.0.M1 release of the Flex Addon for Spring Roo. See this 15 minute screencast for an introduction to the Flex Addon.
- Check out Using Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.0 for an introduction to the project. Also, for a nice step-by-step tutorial, check out the Flex 4 and Spring 3 Integration Refcard. Though this material is focused on Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.0.x, it can easily be adapted to work with the latest release.
- The Spring BlazeDS Integration Test Drive samples are available as an integrated part of the distribution. Many thanks to Christophe Coenraets from Adobe for his contributions!
(For compatibility with Spring Roo 1.1.0 and above, please get in touch with us on the forums for guidance on how to get up and running with the nightly snapshots of the Flex Addon.)
Spring Flex Resources
- Downloads
- 1.5.2 Reference Documentation
- 1.5.2 JavaDoc
- 1.0.3 Reference Documentation
- 1.0.3 JavaDoc
- Spring BlazeDS Integration Forum
- Version Control: Subversion
- Change Log: Fisheye
- Issue Tracking: Spring BlazeDS Integration Jira
- Issue Tracking: Flex Addon for Spring Roo Jira
- Build Status: Bamboo
Spring Flex Presentations
- Adobe Developer Week 2010: Adobe Flex and BlazeDS Integration with SpringSource (This version includes a preview of upcoming features such as Hibernate serialization support and the Flex addon for Spring Roo.)
- JavaHispano Webinar (en Español): Webinar Spring + Flex con Sergi Almar e Iván Álvarez
- Adobe MAX 2009: Integrating Spring with BlazeDS and LiveCycle Data Services
- Adobe eSeminar: Spring and the Adobe Flash Platform
Spring Flex Articles and Tutorials
- Christophe Coenraets: Flex / Spring Mobile Test Drive
- blog.springsource.com: Introducing the Flex Addon for Spring Roo
- InfoQ: Virtual Panel: State of the Art in Enterprise Flex Frameworks
- DZone Refcardz: Flex 4 and Spring 3 Integration Refcard
- Adobe Developer Connection: An introduction to Spring BlazeDS integration
- Christophe Coenraets: New Spring / BlazeDS Test Drive Available: Flex 4, BlazeDS 4, and Spring / BlazeDS Integration 1.0.3
- James Ward: Flash Builder 4 Data Wizards with Java / Spring
- blog.springsource.com: Using Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.0
- Spring by Example: Simple Flex Webapp
- Jettro Coenradie: Integrate flex security in Mate using the spring BlazeDS integration project
Maven Artifacts
Here is the Spring External Repository needed for BlazeDS dependencies:
<name>Spring External Repository</name>
Here is the Spring Flex dependency definition: