로그 파일을 모니터링할 때 UNIX 의 tail -f 보다 좋은 것은 없는 것 같습니다. 그런데 Windows 에는 tail 명령 자체가 없기 때문에 난감한 경우가 있습니다. Tail for Win32 라는 괜찮은 녀석이 있습니다. 키워드 하이라이트, 메일 알림 등 추가 기능들도 꽤 괜찮은 편이라, 예전에 소개한 TailXP 보다 더 추천하고 싶습니다.
홈페이지, 다운로드: http://tailforwin32.sourceforge.net/
Tail for Win32
This is the homepage of Tail for Win32 - the Windows version of the UNIX
Tail for Win32 is used to monitor changes to files; displaying the changed lines in realtime. This makes Tail ideal for watching log files.
Tail has a plugin architecture, which allows notifications to occur when certain keywords are detected in monitored files. At the moment a MAPI plugin is available, and work is in progress on an SMTP version.
A few features of Tail:
Watch multiple files in realtime
Detect keyword matches, and highlight occurences
Send mail notifications on keyword matches by SMTP or MAPI
Plugin architecture allows you to write specialised handlers
Can process files of any size on all types of drive (local or networked)
A number of downloads are available:
The binary package: a precompiled version, ready to go out of the box. The ZIP file contains the runnable EXE and a readme.
The source package: everything you need to build and modify Tail
The 'Devel' package: a snapshot of my development version at the time of the upload. Only download the 'Devel' package if you don't mind sofware that doesn't really 100% work...
Please go to Tail's SourceForge project page to download.
If you find Tail for Win32 useful, then why not donate a little to show your appreciation. Even a small amount will be very gratefully received! If you're happy to leave a comment when you donate, I'll add you to the supporters page.
Alternatively, why not keep my iPod or bookshelf happy with an item from my Amazon wishlist? (I dread to think what that list says about me!)
Tail's License
Tail is OpenSource and is licensed under the GPL. In a nutshell, this allows you to give Tail away free or for a cost, but to do so you must also give the source away with it.