06.Ajax2008. 7. 8. 17:58

These examples demonstrate JavaScript used together with XML (AJAX).

Examples Using the XMLHttpRequest Object

Load a textfile into an HTML element with XML HTTP
How to use an XMLHttpRequest to retrieve new content in an HTML element.

Load an XML file with XML HTTP
How to send an XMLHttpRequest to retrieve data when the user clicks a button.

Make a HEAD request with XML HTTP
How to send an XMLHttpRequest to retrieve HTML header data.

Make a specified HEAD request with XML HTTP
How to send an XMLHttpRequest to retrieve a specific part of the HTML header data.

Display an XML file as an HTML table
How to display an XML file as an HTML table

Examples Explained

Using XMLHttp when user types in an input field:

Online communication with server while typing input using XML HTTP

Example Explained

Posted by 1010
06.Ajax2008. 7. 8. 17:57

While responseText returns the HTTP response as a string, responseXML returns the response as XML.

The ResponseXML property returns an XML document object, which can be examined and parsed using W3C DOM node tree methods and properties.

AJAX ResponseXML Example

In the following AJAX example we will demonstrate how a web page can fetch information from a database using AJAX technology. The selected data from the database will this time be converted to an XML document, and then we will use the DOM to extract the values to be displayed.

Select a Name in the Box Below

Select a Customer:

AJAX Example Explained

The example above contains an HTML form, several <span> elements to hold the returned data, and a link to a JavaScript:

<script src="selectcustomer_xml.js"></script>
<form action=""> 
Select a Customer:
<select name="customers" onchange="showCustomer(this.value)">
<option value="ALFKI">Alfreds Futterkiste</option>
<option value="NORTS ">North/South</option>
<option value="WOLZA">Wolski Zajazd</option>
<b><span id="companyname"></span></b><br />
<span id="contactname"></span><br />
<span id="address"></span>
<span id="city"></span><br/>
<span id="country"></span>

The example above contains an HTML form with a drop down box called "customers".

When the user selects a customer in the dropdown box, a function called "showCustomer()" is executed. The execution of the function is triggered by the "onchange" event. In other words: Each time the user change the value in the drop down box, the function showCustomer() is called.

The JavaScript code is listed below.

The AJAX JavaScript

This is the JavaScript code stored in the file "selectcustomer_xml.js":

var xmlHttp
function showCustomer(str)
if (xmlHttp==null)
  alert ("Your browser does not support AJAX!");
var url="getcustomer_xml.asp";
function stateChanged() 
if (xmlHttp.readyState==4)
var xmlDoc=xmlHttp.responseXML.documentElement;

function GetXmlHttpObject()
var xmlHttp=null;
  // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
  xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
catch (e)
  // Internet Explorer
    xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
  catch (e)
    xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
return xmlHttp;

The showCustomer() and GetXmlHttpObject() functions above are the same as in previous chapters. The stateChanged() function is also used earlier in this tutorial, however; this time we return the result as an XML document (with responseXML) and uses the DOM to extract the values we want to be displayed.

The AJAX Server Page

The server page called by the JavaScript, is a simple ASP file called "getcustomer_xml.asp".

The page is written in VBScript for an Internet Information Server (IIS). It could easily be rewritten in PHP, or some other server language. Look at a corresponding example in PHP.

The code runs an SQL query against a database and returns the result as an XML document:

sql=sql & " WHERE CUSTOMERID='" & request.querystring("q") & "'"

on error resume next
set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
rs.Open sql, conn
if err <> 0 then
set rs=nothing
set conn=nothing
response.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>")
response.write("<compname>" &rs.fields("companyname")& "</compname>")
response.write("<contname>" &rs.fields("contactname")& "</contname>")
response.write("<address>" &rs.fields("address")& "</address>")
response.write("<city>" &rs.fields("city")& "</city>")
response.write("<country>" &rs.fields("country")& "</country>")
end if
on error goto 0

Notice the second line in the ASP code above: response.contenttype="text/xml". The ContentType property sets the HTTP content type for the response object. The default value for this property is "text/html". This time we want the content type to be XML.

Then we select data from the database, and builds an XML document with the data.

Posted by 1010
06.Ajax2008. 7. 8. 17:56

AJAX can be used for interactive communication with a database.

AJAX Database Example

In the AJAX example below we will demonstrate how a web page can fetch information from a database using AJAX technology.

Select a Name in the Box Below

Select a Customer:
Customer info will be listed here.

AJAX Example Explained

The example above contains a simple HTML form and a link to a JavaScript:

<script src="selectcustomer.js"></script>
Select a Customer:
<select name="customers" onchange="showCustomer(this.value)">
<option value="ALFKI">Alfreds Futterkiste
<option value="NORTS ">North/South
<option value="WOLZA">Wolski Zajazd 
<div id="txtHint"><b>Customer info will be listed here.</b></div>

As you can see it is just a simple HTML form with a drop down box called "customers".

The paragraph below the form contains a div called "txtHint". The div is used as a placeholder for info retrieved from the web server.

When the user selects data, a function called "showCustomer()" is executed. The execution of the function is triggered by the "onchange" event. In other words: Each time the user change the value in the drop down box, the function showCustomer is called.

The JavaScript code is listed below.

The AJAX JavaScript

This is the JavaScript code stored in the file "selectcustomer.js":

var xmlHttp

function showCustomer(str)
if (xmlHttp==null)
  alert ("Your browser does not support AJAX!");
var url="getcustomer.asp";

function stateChanged() 
if (xmlHttp.readyState==4)

function GetXmlHttpObject()
var xmlHttp=null;
  // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
  xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
catch (e)
  // Internet Explorer
    xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
  catch (e)
    xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
return xmlHttp;

The AJAX Server Page

The server page called by the JavaScript, is a simple ASP file called "getcustomer.asp".

The page is written in VBScript for an Internet Information Server (IIS). It could easily be rewritten in PHP, or some other server language. Look at a corresponding example in PHP.

The code runs an SQL against a database and returns the result as an HTML table:

sql=sql & "'" & request.querystring("q") & "'"

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
rs.Open sql, conn

do until rs.EOF
  for each x in rs.Fields
    response.write("<tr><td><b>" & x.name & "</b></td>")
    response.write("<td>" & x.value & "</td></tr>")

Posted by 1010
06.Ajax2008. 7. 8. 17:56

AJAX Source Code to Suggest Example

The source code below belongs to the AJAX example on the previous page.

You can copy and paste it, and try it yourself.


This is the HTML page. It contains a simple HTML form and a link to a JavaScript.

<script src="clienthint.js"></script> 
First Name:
<input type="text" id="txt1"
<p>Suggestions: <span id="txtHint"></span></p> 

The JavaScript code is listed below.

The AJAX JavaScript

This is the JavaScript code, stored in the file "clienthint.js":

var xmlHttp

function showHint(str)
if (str.length==0)
if (xmlHttp==null)
  alert ("Your browser does not support AJAX!");
var url="gethint.asp";

function stateChanged() 
if (xmlHttp.readyState==4)

function GetXmlHttpObject()
var xmlHttp=null;
  // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
  xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
catch (e)
  // Internet Explorer
    xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
  catch (e)
    xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
return xmlHttp;

The AJAX Server Page - ASP and PHP

There is no such thing as an AJAX server. AJAX pages can be served by any internet server.

The server page called by the JavaScript in the example from the previous chapter is a simple ASP file called "gethint.asp".

Below we have listed two examples of the server page code, one written in ASP and one in PHP.

AJAX ASP Example

The code in the "gethint.asp" page is written in VBScript for an Internet Information Server (IIS). It just checks an array of names and returns the corresponding names to the client:

dim a(30)
'Fill up array with names
'get the q parameter from URL
'lookup all hints from array if length of q>0
if len(q)>0 then
  for i=1 to 30
    if q=ucase(mid(a(i),1,len(q))) then
      if hint="" then
        hint=hint & " , " & a(i)
      end if
    end if
end if
'Output "no suggestion" if no hint were found
'or output the correct values
if hint="" then 
  response.write("no suggestion")
end if

AJAX PHP Example

The code above rewritten in PHP.

Note: To run the entire example in PHP, remember to change the value of the url variable in "clienthint.js" from "gethint.asp" to "gethint.php".

PHP Example

header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
 // Date in the past
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");

// Fill up array with names
//get the q parameter from URL
//lookup all hints from array if length of q>0
if (strlen($q) > 0)
  for($i=0; $i<count($a); $i++)
  if (strtolower($q)==strtolower(substr($a[$i],0,strlen($q))))
    if ($hint=="")
      $hint=$hint." , ".$a[$i];

// Set output to "no suggestion" if no hint were found
// or to the correct values
if ($hint == "")
$response="no suggestion";

//output the response
echo $response;
Posted by 1010
06.Ajax2008. 7. 8. 17:53


This document describes a simple approach of implementing AJAX functionality in ASP.NET web applications. Pros and cons of using AJAX are also discussed. The document contains a working JavaScript and C#.NET code demonstrating the suggested solution.


Most of you already know that AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. This technology was introduced first by Microsoft (from my best knowledge) back in 1999, and had been known as “DHTML / JavaScript web application with remote calls”. The whole idea of the technology was to allow an internet browser to make an asynchronous HTTP call to remote pages/services, and update a current web page with the received results without refreshing the whole page. By creators’ opinion, this should have improved customers’ experience, making HTTP pages look and feel very similar to Windows applications.

Because the core implementation of this technology was based on internet browser functionality, the usability was very limited at that time. But several years later, the technology has been reborn with new browsers support and massive implementation by such giants as Google, Amazon.com, eBay, etc.

Today, it’s known as AJAX, and considered as a natural part of any dynamic web page with advanced user experience.

Solution Description

The suggested approach provides a very simple, yet effective implementation of the AJAX functionality. It’s very easy to maintain and change, does not require any special skills from developers, and, from our best knowledge, is cross-browser compatible.

Basically, a regular AJAX-like implementation includes two main components: a client HTML page with JavaScript code making an AJAX call and receiving a response, and a remote page that can accept a request and respond with the required information. The JavaScript code on the client page is responsible for instantiating an XmlHttp object, then providing this object with a callback method which will be responsible for processing the received information, and finally, sending a request to the remote page via the XmlHttp object. All this is done by the JavaScript code.

Our approach is intended for use in ASP.NET applications, and considers the following possible scenarios:

  • AJAX calls may be performed on different ASP.NET pages of the web application to different remote pages;
  • A remote page URL may contain dynamically calculated parameters, and it may be more convenient to build a URL string in the code-behind of the ASP.NET page;
  • A remote page may respond with a complex data requiring parsing before updating an HTML page, that once again may be done in the code-behind of the ASP.NET page;
  • A remote page may be either an external third party page, or the web application’s own page or service.

All these considerations are illustrated by the diagram below:

Solution diagram


Basic AJAX JavaScript methods

I divided all the JavaScript methods into two parts: calling page specific JavaScript methods, and AJAX JavaScript methods common for all the calling pages. Specific methods include a callback method as well, as it is responsible for updating the page content. Common AJAX methods are responsible for instantiating an XmlHttp object and sending an asynchronous request to the remote page.

Getting an XmlHttp object differs depending on the type of the browser. I distinguish two basic types: a Microsoft browser which is one of the IE family, and a Mozilla browser which is one of Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, or Safari. I tested the code with the Opera browser too, but I would not guarantee that it will always be working well.

function GetXmlHttpObject(handler)
    var objXmlHttp = null;
    if (!window.XMLHttpRequest)
        // Microsoft
        objXmlHttp = GetMSXmlHttp();
        if (objXmlHttp != null)
            objXmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handler;
        // Mozilla | Netscape | Safari
        objXmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
        if (objXmlHttp != null)
            objXmlHttp.onload = handler;
            objXmlHttp.onerror = handler;
    return objXmlHttp; 

function GetMSXmlHttp()
    var xmlHttp = null;
    var clsids = ["Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0","Msxml2.XMLHTTP.5.0",
    for(var i=0; i<clsids.length && xmlHttp == null; i++) {
        xmlHttp = CreateXmlHttp(clsids[i]);
    return xmlHttp;

function CreateXmlHttp(clsid) {
    var xmlHttp = null;
    try {
        xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject(clsid);
        lastclsid = clsid;
        return xmlHttp;
    catch(e) {}

According to Umut Alev, the code for the GetMSXmlHttp method can be simplified considering that we do not have to refer MSXML5 as it has been designed only for Office applications. Correspondingly, the simplified revision of the GetMSXmlHttp method may look as follows:

function GetMSXmlHttp() {
    var xmlHttp = null;
    var clsids = ["Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0",
    for(var i=0; i<clsids.length && xmlHttp == null; i++) {
        xmlHttp = CreateXmlHttp(clsids[i]);
    return xmlHttp;

As you see, GetXmlHttpObject methods accept a handler parameter which is a name of the callback method that should be defined in the page-specific code. Now that we already have an XmlHttp object, we can send an asynchronous request.

function SendXmlHttpRequest(xmlhttp, url) { 
    xmlhttp.open('GET', url, true); 

I use a GET HTTP method to a given URL, but this can be easily changed by changing the JS code above.

Page-specific methods

Now we have all the methods we need to perform a call to the remote page. In order to do this, we need to pass the callback method name to the GetXmlHttpObject method and then pass the URL string to the SendXmlHttpRequest method.

var xmlHttp; 

function ExecuteCall(url)
        xmlHttp = GetXmlHttpObject(CallbackMethod); 
        SendXmlHttpRequest(xmlHttp, url); 
//CallbackMethod will fire when the state 
//has changed, i.e. data is received back 
function CallbackMethod() 
        //readyState of 4 or 'complete' represents 
        //that data has been returned 
        if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 || 
            xmlHttp.readyState == 'complete')
            var response = xmlHttp.responseText; 
            if (response.length > 0)
                //update page
                                                   = response; 

The CallbackMethod is responsible for updating the page content. In our example, it simply updates the inner HTML of the given HTTP element. But in real life, it can be much more complex.

The last question regarding the calling page implementation is how we call the ExecuteCall JS method. Well, it depends on what the page is doing. In some cases, the ExecuteCall method can be called when the JS event is fired. But if that is not the case, we can register the method as a startup script for the page using the corresponding C# code in the page's code-behind.

   String.Format("<script>ExecuteCall('{0}');</script>", url));

We can add this line of code either in the Page_Prerender or Page_Load method of the ASP.NET code-behind file.

Remote Page

Let’s find out what a remote page could look like. If this is an ASP.NET page (what we assume), we are interested in the code-behind only. We can easily remove all the code from the .aspx file: it won’t affect the behavior of the page in any way.

For example, we take a public web service that converts temperature values in Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa. The service is available here. If you add this URL as a web reference to your project, Visual Studio will generate a proxy class with the name com.developerdays.ITempConverterservice in your current namespace. Our remote ASP.NET page, let’s name it getTemp.aspx, will accept a query string parameter with the name “temp” which should contain an integer value of a temperature in Celsius to convert. So the target URL to the remote page will look like this: http://localhost/getTemp.aspx?temp=25. And the code-behind for this page is shown below:

private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string temp = Request.QueryString["temp"];
    if (temp != null)
            int tempC = int.Parse(temp);
            string tempF = getTempF(tempC);

private string getTempF(int tempC)
          svc = new ITempConverterservice();
    int tempF = svc.CtoF(tempC);
    return tempF.ToString();

According to our convention, we can now build a URL string for the remote page that we will pass to the RegisterStartupScript method in the example above, like this:

int tempC = 25;
string url = String.Format("http://localhost/" + 
             "getTemp.aspx?temp={0}", tempC);

Using the approach with an intermediate ASP.NET page, calling in its turn a remote service, allows simplifying response processing, especially if it requires parsing. In simple cases when the response contains just text, we can pass the remote service URL directly to the JS ExecuteCall method.


This article is aimed to illustrate the simplicity of using the AJAX technology in any ASP.NET application. While AJAX has some drawbacks, it also provides some advantages from the user experience perspective. It’s completely up to the developer whether to use the AJAX technology or not, but I have just demonstrated that in simple cases, it does not take a long time or require any special skills.


I would like to thank my colleagues Oleg Gorchkov and Chris Page who helped me out with testing and optimizing the approach described in the article.


This article has no explicit license attached to it but may contain usage terms in the article text or the download files themselves. If in doubt please contact the author via the discussion board below.

A list of licenses authors might use can be found here

About the Author

Alexander Turlov

Alexander Turlov has been working in IT industry since 1987. His programming experience includes such languages as FORTRAN, Pascal, and Basic, C, C++ and C#. He's been working for different industries like science, manufacturing, retail, utilities, finance, insurance, health care, education and so on. His current area of interests is .NET, C#, and ASP.NET programming. He is working in software development doing architecture, design and development on .NET platform and using Microsoft products such as Visual Studio, SQL Server, P&P Software Factories, and Enterprise Library. He holds a M.Sc. degree in physics and an MCSD.NET certification.

View my profile on LinkedIn

View my blog
Occupation: Architect
Location: Canada Canada

Other popular Ajax and Atlas articles:

Posted by 1010
98..Etc/Log4J2008. 7. 8. 17:39

A simple Log4J example

By Alvin J. Alexander, devdaily.com

The following class is a very simple example that initializes, and then uses, the Log4J logging library for Java applications. As you can see the configuration is pretty simple.

package com.devdaily.log4jdemo;

import org.apache.log4j.Category;
import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;

public class Log4JDemo
  static final Category log = Category.getInstance(Log4JDemo.class);
  static final String LOG_PROPERTIES_FILE = "lib/Log4J.properties";

  public static void main(String[] args)
    // call our constructor
    new Log4JDemo();
    // Log4J is now loaded; try it
    log.info("leaving the main method of Log4JDemo");

  public Log4JDemo()
    log.info( "Log4JDemo - leaving the constructor ..." );

  private void initializeLogger()
    Properties logProperties = new Properties();

      logProperties.load(new FileInputStream(LOG_PROPERTIES_FILE));
      log.info("Logging initialized.");
    catch(IOException e)
      throw new RuntimeException("Unable to load logging property " + LOG_PROPERTIES_FILE);

After a few class level fields are created, the action begins with the main method, which first calls the constructor for this class. The constructor then calls the initializeLogger method. This method actually does the work of loading the Log4J properties file. It then calls the configure method of the PropertyConfigurator class.

Once this is done I call the info method of the log object several times. Notice that I could have also called other methods like logger.warn(), log.debug(), log.error(), or log.fatal(), but to keep it simple I'm just showing log.info().

The Log4J Properties File

Before I leave this quick tip I also need to show the Log4J properties file that I'm using. My file is named Log4J.properties, and for the purpose of this demonstration I'm keeping it in a sub-directory of my project named lib. Here are the contents:

# STDOUT appender
log4j.appender.STDOUT.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %p [%t] %C{1} - %m\n

# use the STDOUT appender. set the level to INFO.
log4j.category.com.devdaily.log4jdemo.Log4JDemo=INFO, STDOUT

Posted by 1010
98..Etc/Log4J2008. 7. 8. 17:37
Posted by 1010
06.Ajax2008. 7. 8. 17:21


Google AJAX Search API Samples

Simple Hello World

This sample application is the canonical "Hello World" of Google AJAX Search API. This simple application instantiates the search control in read-only mode.

Custom Search EnginesNew!

This sample demonstrates how to use Google Custom Search Engines in conjunction with the Google AJAX Search API. The sample integrates four custom search engines along with blog, video, and news search.

Video Bar SolutionNew!

This sample demonstrates the brand new GSvideoBar() solution. This is a very light weight solution that allows you to place a dynamic video bar vertically or horizontally on your page or blog. You can have multiple Video Bars on a page, all sharing a common video player. The Video Bar also composes nicely with the Video Search Control Solution. Take a look, and be sure to also visit our AJAX Search API Playground blog where we have integrated the Video Bar into the template.

Google AJAX Search API in TypePad

This sample demonstrates the use of the Google AJAX Search API including core web and blog search, the video search solution, and the map search control solution, all hosted in a TypePad blog. The sample includes links to the TypePad module templates and instructions for applying this to your own TypePad based blog.

Google AJAX Search API in Blogger

Identical to the TypePad based solution, but designed for Blogger

Video Search Control Solution

This sample demonstrates the brand new GSvideoSearchControl() solution. This solution allows you to easily embed a rich video search control on your site, blog, etc. The control lets you search, tag, and play videos without leaving the page. The page is very easy to integrate into your applications and can be integrated in just a few lines of code. Feel free to copy and clone the solution to meet your needs, or use it as it stands.

Map Search Solution

This sample uses the brand new GSmapSearchControl() solution to show you how to add a a simple geo-oriented search control anywhere on your site with just a few lines of code. Feel free to copy and clone the solution to meet your needs, or use it as it stands. The sample linked to above demonstrates how to use it. If you can write this, new GSmapSearchControl(container, "1000 NE Multnomah, Portland, OR");, then you can easily add a nice little local search control to your site.

Phone List

This sample demonstrates how to build a "Phone List" of favorite restaurants, etc, using the Google Ajax Search API.

Blog Comment Form

This sample application demonstrates how you can incorporate the AJAX Search API in user composition. In this case, users can clip Google search results to their comments on a blog post.

My Favorite Places

This sample application shows how to to use the Google AJAX Search API to create a collection of favorite places. From a programming perspective, it demonstrates the use of a custom input element and direct use of GSearch objects.

Searchers and Options

This sample application demonstrates many of the programmable options of the Search Control, allowing you to select various searchers, drawing modes, etc.

Locale Selection

This sample application demonstrates the Google AJAX Search API running its UI in a variety of languages.

My Favorite Places #2

This sample application builds on the original My Favorite Places sample and is designed to demonstrate search result and search control dynamic styling, controlling the location of clipped search results, etc. Before diving into this sample, if would be a good idea to become familiar with the previous samples.

Wish List

Similar to the Lead Manager sample, this sample demonstrates building more complex lists, something like a "what I want for christmas list, or what I want for my birthday." This sample deomstrates search result clipping as well as site restricted search.

Video Search + Social Networks

This sample demonstrates how video search might integrate into social networking applications. Note the use of search result clipping to add a little video into a message as well as the ability to remember a search result into a stack of favorites.

Posted by 1010
01.JAVA/Java2008. 7. 8. 17:16
Code sample
Java IDL Code Samples
IDL Code Samples

Java IDL is a CORBA-compliant technology for distributed objects that lets objects interact regardless of whether they are written in the Java programming language or another language.

CORBA Hello World Example File Transfer Example Portable Object Adapter Example Servlets Example
Posted by 1010

h 는 도움말 입니다.

ls 명령어도 먹겠죠.(?)
Posted by 1010
02.Oracle/DataBase2008. 7. 8. 15:59
Posted by 1010
90.개발관련문서2008. 7. 8. 15:47
Posted by 1010
02.Oracle/DataBase2008. 7. 8. 14:00

/ $Header: impus.msg 22-aug-2003.14:20:48 bmccarth Exp $ impmtb.msg
/ Copyright (c) 1988, 2000 by the Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
/ File: v6$knl:[impexp]impmtb.msg
/ Created: 07/12/88
/ This file is converted to header/message files using lmsgen.c
/ The first column is the Import error number.
/ The second column is reserved and must be (for now) 00000
/ The remainder of the line is the error text
/ Adding an error for Import
/    Check out this file, add the error, and check it back in. Error numbers
/    should always be ordered.  The second column should always be 00000.
/ Range 000 - 099: actual Import errors
/ Range 100 - 199: informative messages
/ Range 200 - 299: prompt messages
/ Range 300 - 399: help messages
/ Range 400 - 499: actual Import errors (exhausted 000 - 099)
/ Error messages
00000, 00000, "Import terminated unsuccessfully\n"
// *Cause:  Import encountered an Oracle error.
// *Action: Look up the accompanying Oracle message in the ORA message
//          chapters of this manual, and take appropriate action.
00001, 00000, "respond with either %s, %s, RETURN or '.' to quit"
// *Cause:  An invalid response was entered.
// *Action: Enter any of the responses shown in the message.
00002, 00000, "failed to open %s for read"
// *Cause:  Import failed to open the export file for reading. This message is
//          usually followed by a device message from the operating system.
// *Action: Take appropriate action to restore the device.
00003, 00000, "ORACLE error %lu encountered"
// *Cause:  Import encountered the referenced Oracle error.
// *Action: Look up the Oracle message in the ORA message chapters of this
//          manual, and take appropriate action.
00004, 00000, "invalid username or password\n"
// *Cause:  An invalid username or password was specified.
// *Action: Retry with a valid username and password.
00005, 00000, "all allowable logon attempts failed"
// *Cause:  An attempt was repeatedly made to log on with an invalid
//          username or password.
// *Action: Retry with valid username and password.
00006, 00000, "failed to allocate memory of size %lu"
// *Cause:  Import failed to allocate the necessary memory.
// *Action: Decrease the import buffer size so that less memory is required,
//          or increase the runtime memory size for Import.
00007, 00000, "must be a DBA to import objects to another user's account"
// *Cause:  The privileges needed to import into another user's account do not
//          exist. Only a database administrator can import into another
//          user's account.
// *Action: Ask the database administrator to do the import.
00008, 00000, "unrecognized statement in the export file: \n  %s"
// *Cause:  Import did not recognize a statement in the export file. Either
//          the export file was corrupted, or an Import internal error has
//          occurred.
// *Action: If the export file was corrupted, retry with a new export file.
//          Otherwise, report this as an Import internal error and submit
//          the export file to customer support.
00009, 00000, "abnormal end of export file"
// *Cause:  The export file is probably from an aborted Export session.
// *Action: If so, retry the export and import. Otherwise, report this as an
//          Import bug and submit the export file that caused this error to
//          customer support.
00010, 00000, "not a valid export file, header failed verification"
// *Cause:  Either the file was not generated by Export or it was corrupted.
// *Action: If the file was indeed generated by Export, report this an
//          Import bug and submit the export file to customer support.
00011, 00000, "formatted table data not currently supported"
// *Cause:  You tried to import an export file that contains formatted table
//          data. Import only supports export files containing binary table
//          data.  wher
// *Action: Retry using an export file that contains only binary table data.
00012, 00000, "invalid export mode (%c) in header"
// *Cause:  The Export mode specified in the export file header is invalid.
// *Action: Check the export file to see if it was corrupted. If it was not,
//          report this as an Import bug and submit the export file to
//          customer support.
00013, 00000, "only a DBA can import a file exported by another DBA"
// *Cause:  The privileges needed to Import an export file generated by a
//          database administrator do not exist. Only a database administrator
//          can import such files.
// *Action: Ask the database administrator to do the import.
00014, 00000, "option \"%s\" is needed, but not present in database"
// *Cause:  The command entered requires the specified option.  Either that
//     option is not installed, or the row describing the option is
//     missing from table V$OPTION
// *Action: Reinstall Oracle with the option specified by the message.
00015, 00000, "following statement failed because the object already exists:"
// *Cause:  Import failed to create an object because it already exists.
// *Action: Specify IGNORE=Y to ignore such errors and import rows even when
//          tables are not created because they already exist.
00016, 00000, "required character set conversion (type %lu to %lu) not supported"
// *Cause:  Import could not convert the character format of the export file
//          into the native character format.
// *Action: Change the user character set by setting the NLS_LANG
//          environment variable to match the character set of the export file.
00017, 00000, "following statement failed with ORACLE error %lu:"
// *Cause:  Import failed to execute the statement from the export file
//          because of an Oracle error.
// *Action: Look up the accompanying Oracle message in the ORA message
//          chapters of this manual and take appropriate action.
00018, 00000, "partial import of previous table completed: %lu rows imported"
// *Cause:  A table was only partially imported because of an Oracle error.
// *Action: Look up the accompanying Oracle message in the ORA message
//          chapters of this manual and take appropriate action.
00019, 00000, "row rejected due to ORACLE error %lu"
// *Cause:  Import encountered the referenced Oracle error while trying to
//          import a row.
// *Action: Look up the accompanying Oracle message in the ORA message
//          chapters of this manual and take appropriate action.
00020, 00000, "long column too large for column buffer size (%lu)"
// *Cause:  The column buffer is too small. This usually occurs when importing
//          LONG data.
// *Action: Increase the insert buffer size 10,000 bytes at a time (for
//          example). Use this step-by-step approach
//          because a buffer size that is too large may cause a similar
//          problem. 
00021, 00000, "INCTYPE parameter is obsolete"
// *Cause:  Import encountered the INCTYPE parameter when parsing Import
//          options.  Incremental Imports are no longer supported.
// *Action: Consult the Oracle Backup and Recovery guide. 
//          Import will attempt to continue.
00022, 00000, "failed to process parameters, type 'IMP HELP=Y' for help"
// *Cause:  Invalid command-line parameters were specified.
// *Action: Check the online help screen for the set of valid parameters, then
//          retry.
00023, 00000, "Import views not installed, please notify your DBA"
// *Cause:  The necessary Import views were not installed.
// *Action: Ask your database administrator to install the required Import
//          views.
00024, 00000, "Only one mode (TABLES, FROMUSER, or FULL) can be specified"
// *Cause:  Parameters were specified that conflict with the import
//          specification FULL=Y.
// *Action: Retry, making sure not to specify FULL=Y.
00025, 00000, "for DBA export files, FROMUSER must be specified with TOUSER option"
// *Cause:  When importing a database administrator export file, you specified
//          the TOUSER parameter but not the FROMUSER parameter.
// *Action: Specify the FROMUSER parameter so that Import knows which user's
//          objects to import.
00027, 00000, "failed to rollback partial import of previous table"
// *Cause: Import encountered an Oracle error while trying to roll back a
//          partial import.
// *Action: Look up the accompanying Oracle message in the ORA message
//          chapters of this manual and take appropriate action. Then, log
//          on to Oracle and check that the partial import was not committed.
00028, 00000, "partial import of previous table rolled back: %lu rows rolled back"
// *Cause:  Import encountered an Oracle error while trying to import a table.
// *Action: Look up the accompanying Oracle message in the ORA message
//          chapters of this manual and take appropriate action. Then, if
//          necessary, re-import the table.
00029, 00000, "cannot qualify table name by owner (%s), use FROMUSER parameter"
// *Cause:  A table name was qualified with the name of its owner, as shown in
//          the following example. This is not allowed. 
// *Action: Use the FROMUSER parameter to specify the table's owner, as
//          shown in the following example:  
00030, 00000, "failed to create file %s for write"
// *Cause:  Import was unable to create the specified file with write enabled.
// *Action: Check the file name and file system for the source of the error.
00031, 00000, "Must specify FULL=Y or provide FROMUSER/TOUSER or TABLES arguments"
// *Cause: The database administrator did not specify full or partial import.
// *Action: The database administrator must specify FROMUSER/TOUSER or table
//          arguments if not a full import.
00032, 00000, "SQL statement exceeded buffer length"
// *Cause:  The buffer was too small for the SQL statement being read.
// *Action: Rerun with a larger buffer. This can also be an indication of a
//          corruption in the import datafile.
00033, 00000, "Warning: Table \"%s\" not found in export file"
// *Cause:  A table name was specified that does not exist in export file.
// *Action: Correct the table specification.
00034, 00000, "Warning: FromUser \"%s\" not found in export file"
// *Cause:  The user specified a FROMUSER name that does not exist in export
//          file.
// *Action: Correct the FROMUSER specification.
00035, 00000, "input file %s must be on a disk"
// *Cause:  On some platforms, import can read files from tape.  This message
//     is displayed if the first file in an export file set was on disk
//     and you specified a tape device for a second or subsequent file.
// *Action: Verify that you have specified the correct file name for the import
//     file.  Remember that all input files can be either on disk or all
//     files can be on tape, but not mixed both tape and disk.
00036, 00000, "Could not find environment character set"
// *Cause:  An environment character set was specified that was not recognized
//          by the Import utility.
// *Action: Ensure that the spelling of the character set specified in the
//          command line parameter CHARSET (for Release 6 only)
//          or the environment variable NLS_LANG is correct.
00037, 00000, "Character set marker unknown"
// *Cause:  The export file is corrupted.
// *Action: Try to obtain an uncorrupted version of the export file.
//          If the export file is not corrupted, report this as an Import
//          internal error and submit the export file to customer support.
00038, 00000, "Could not convert to environment character set's handle"
// *Cause:  Internal error.
// *Action: Contact Worldwide Support.
00039, 00000, "VOLSIZE does not match the value used for export: %s"
// *Cause:  The value specified for VOLSIZE does not match the value specified
//        during the creation of the export file.
// *Action: If you believe that the specified VOLSIZE value is correct, verify
//   that you specified the correct file for import.  If you specified
//        the correct file but are unsure about the correct value,
//        re-execute the import command but specify VOLSIZE=0.
00040, 00000, "FILESIZE does not match the value used for export: %s"
// *Cause:  The value specified for FILESIZE does not match the value specified
//        during the creation of the export file.
// *Action: If you believe the specified FILESIZE value is correct, verify
//   that you specified the correct file for import.  If you specified
//        the correct file but are unsure about the correct value,
//        re-execute the import command but specify FILESIZE=0.
00041, 00000, "Warning: object created with compilation warnings"
// *Cause:  The object in the SQL statement following this error was created
//          with compilation errors. If this error occurred for a view, it
//          is possible that the base table of the view was missing.
// *Action: This is a warning. The object may have to be recompiled before
//          being used.
00042, 00000, "CHARSET used, but the export file has specific character set"
// *Cause:  The user requested that a specific character set be used to
//          process an export file that has a specific embedded character
//          set ID. The ID in the export file is accurate and should be used.
// *Action: Remove the CHARSET keyword from the command line.
00043, 00000, "export file character set inconsistent"
// *Cause:  The character set of the export file and the environment character
//          set (or the character set specified with the CHARSET keyword)
//          are inconsistent. One character set is ASCII-based while the other
//          is EBCDIC based.
// *Action: Specify the correct character set with the CHARSET keyword.
00044, 00000, "unable to allocate enough memory for statement"
// *Cause:  Import was unable to allocate sufficient memory to read in the
// specified statement and execute it.
// *Action: Increase the allocation for database buffers, restart the
//          instance, and reexecute the Import command.
00045, 00000, "using VOLSIZE value from export file of %s"
// *Cause:  Either you did not specify the VOLSIZE parameter in your
//          IMPORT command, or you specified VOLSIZE=0 and the export was
//          created with a non-zero value for VOLSIZE. Import will use the
//     value specified in the export file.
// *Action: None required.
00046, 00000, "using FILESIZE value from export file of %s"
// *Cause:  Either you did not specify the FILESIZE parameter in your
//          IMPORT command, or you specified FILESIZE=0 and the export file
//     was created with a non-zero value for FILESIZE. Import will use
//     the value specified in the export file.
// *Action: None required.
00047, 00000, "unexpected file sequence number; expected %u but found %u"
// *Cause:  The header in the export file contains a sequence number that
//        is used to track the order in which multiple export files
//        are written.  The first export file is assigned sequence number 
//        one, the second file is assigned sequence number two and so on.
//        This message is displayed when a number other than the expected 
//        sequence number is found in the file header
// *Action: Execute the import command again, but specify the files in the 
//        order in which Export wrote them.
00048, 00000, "mismatched file header"
// *Cause:  During verification of the 2nd or subsequent file in a multi-file export,
//        Import found header fields in the file that did not match
//        values in the first file.
// *Action: Check the names of the files created by Export and verify that
//        you specified them correctly for the import operation.
00049, 00000, "Unknown language specified in CHARSET"
// *Cause:  An unknown language was listed in the CHARSET option. 
// *Action: Use a known character set.
00050, 00000, "Dump file and log file cannot be identical"
// *Cause:  Identical names were given to the dump file and log file.
// *Action: Specify different names for the dump file and log file and retry
//          the operation.
00051, 00000, "Direct path exported dump file contains illegal column length"
// *Cause:  An invalid column length was encountered while processing column
//          pieces."
// *Action: Check to make sure the export file is not corrupted, or else
//          report this to Oracle Worldwide Support as an Import/Export
//          internal bug and submit the
//          export file.
00052, 00000, "Warning: Unable to set event for freelist communication with server"
// *Cause:  An event could not be set for current the session.
// *Action: If Import fails, give the Import user ALTER SESSION PRIV and retry
//          the operation.
00053, 00000, "Import mode incompatible with Export dump file"
// *Cause:  The specified import option is incompatible with point-in-time-
//          recovery dump file.
// *Action: Generate a proper dump file or use point-in-time-recovery import
//          mode.
00054, 00000, "must be connected 'AS SYSDBA' to do Point-in-time Recovery or Transportable Tablespace import"
// *Cause:  The user must log in 'as SYSDBA' to perform transportable
//          tablespace imports or Point-In-Time Recovery imports.
// *Action: Ask your database adminstrator to perform the Transportable
//          Tablespace import or the Tablespace Point-in-time Recovery import.
00055, 00000, "Warning: partition or subpartition \"%s\":\"%s\" not found in export file"
// *Cause:  A partition or subpartition name was specified that does not exist in
//          export file.
// *Action: Check to make sure the partition or subpartition name belongs to the table.
00056, 0000, "multiple devices specified for tape input"
// *Cause:  You specified multiple file names when doing an import from a tape
//     device.  Import uses the same device for reading all tapes,
//     regardless of the number of tape volumes required.  For this
//     reason, export will accept only one value for the FILE parameter
//     when writing to tape.
// *Action: Reenter the IMPORT command, but specify only one tape device in
//     the FILE parameter.
00057, 00000, "Warning: Dump file may not contain data of all partitions of this table"
// *Cause:  The dump file used for this Table Import might not contain all
//          of the data belonging to the exported table.
// *Action: Check to see if the export was done as intended, or try performing
//          a Partition Import.
/ do NOT translate or document message 58 - it is never displayed
00058, 00000, "placeholder for OCI error "
// *Document: NO
// *Cause:  filler
// *Action: filler
00059, 00000, "Failure to initialize parameter manager"
// *Cause:  Parameter manager failed in initialization.
// *Action: Report this to Oracle Worldwide Support as an Import internal bug.
00060, 00000, "Warning: Skipping table \"%s\".\"%s\" because object type \"%s\".\"%s\"  does not exist or has different identifier"
// *Cause:  An object type needed by the table, either does not exist on the
// *        target system or, if it does exist, it has a different object
//          identifier.
// *Action: Create the object type on the target system with a valid
// *        identifier.
00061, 00000, "Warning: Object type \"%s\".\"%s\" already exists with a different identifier"
// *Cause:  An object type cannot be created because it already exists on the
// *        target system, but with a different identifier
// *Action: Drop the object type from the target system and retry the
//          operation.
00062, 00000, "Warning: The identifier on the dump file for object type \"%s\".\"%s\" is invalid"
// *Cause:  The character string representing the object type's identifier
// *        could not be converted to an object identifier.
// *Action: Internal error.
00063, 00000, "Warning: Skipping table \"%s\".\"%s\" because object type \"%s\".\"%s\" cannot be created or has different identifier"
// *Cause:  An error occurred creating an object type that is used by the
// *        table.
// *Action: Examine the import log to determine why the object type could not
// *        be created.  If the object type already existed, with a
// *        different object identifier, then drop the object type and
// *        retry the import.
00064, 00000, "Definition of LOB was truncated by export"
// *Cause:  While producing the dump file, Export was unable to write the
// *     entire contents of a LOB.  Import is therefore unable to
// *        reconstruct the contents of the LOB. The remainder of the
// *     import of the current table will be skipped.
// *Action: Delete the offending row in the exported database and retry the
// *     export.
00065, 00000, "Import is unable to recreate lobs within objects."
// *Cause:  An error occurred recreating a LOB within an imported object.
// *Action: Report this to Oracle Worldwide Support as an Import internal
//          error.
00066, 00000, "Missing NLS_CHARACTERSET  in props$"
// *Cause:  No value for NLS_CHARACTERSET  in props$.
// *Action: Contact Worldwide support.
00067, 00000, "Could not convert to server character set's handle"
// *Cause:  Internal error.
// *Action: Contact Worldwide support.
00068, 00000, "Could not find environment national character set"
// *Cause:  An environment national character set was specified that was
//          not recognized by the Import utility.
// *Action: Ensure that the spelling of the national character set
//          specified in the environment variable NLS_NCHAR is correct.
00069, 00000, "Could not convert to environment national character set's handle"
// *Cause:  Internal error..
// *Action: Contact Worldwide support.
00070, 00000, "Lob definitions in dump file are inconsistent with database."
// *Cause:  The number of LOBS per row in the dump file is different than the
// *     number of LOBS per row in the table being populated.
// *Action: Modify the table being imported so that it matches the column
// *        attribute layout of the table that was exported.
00071, 00000, "Object identifier of imported table mismatches object identifier of existing table"
// *Cause:  An attempt was made to import data into a table that was recreated
//          under a different object identifier than the object identifier
//          used for the exported object table. 
//          Under this situation, REF's to this table that are contained
//          within the dump file will also be invalid.
// *Action: Drop the offending object table prior to import.
00072, 00000, "Warning: The object table's object identifier is invalid."
// *Cause:  The character string representing the table's object identifier
//          could not be converted to an internal object identifier.
// *Action: Internal error.
00073, 00000, "FILE locator \"%.*s\" \"%.*s\" is truncated to \"%.*s\" \"%.*s\" in server character set"
// *Cause:  The conversion of the specified directory and name strings for
//     a file attribute or column from the export server's
//          character set into the import server's character set
//          exceeded the maximum string lengths allowed within
//          FILE descriptors. The strings will be truncated to
//          the maximum supported lengths.
// *Action: Rename the directory aliases and external filenames to match the
//          truncated names in the specified FILE column or attribute.
00074, 00000, "The constraints flagged by ALL_CONSTRAINTS.BAD will break in 2000 A.D."
// *Cause:  Constraints exist in the data base that specify date
//          values without fully specifying the year.  These constraints
//          could break in the year 2000 A.D.
// *Action: Query ALL_CONSTRAINTS and correct those constraints marked as
//          bad.
00075, 00000, "Warning: The nested table may contain partial rows or duplicate rows"
// *Cause:  An error occurred inserting data into an outer or inner nested
//          table.  If the error occurred in the outer table, rows are
//          still inserted into the inner tables.  If the error occurred in
//          an inner table, data is still inserted into the outer table and
//          other inner tables.  This can result in duplicate inner table
//          rows or partial logical rows.
// *Action: Examine the data in the tables.  Delete the incorrect rows or
//          drop the entire table and perform the import again.
00076, 00000, "Missing NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET  in props$"
// *Cause:  No value for NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET  in props$.
// *Action: Contact Worldwide support.
00077, 00000, "Could not convert to server national character set's handle"
// *Cause:  Internal error.
// *Action: Contact Worldwide support.
00078, 00000, "Cannot translate FILE locator to \"%.*s\" \"%.*s\" in server character set"
// *Cause:  (1) The current export dump file was generated using Beta-2 of
//     Oracle8.0  AND (2) there was a File that appeared as an
//     an attribute of an ADT within a table's column AND (3) the
//     character set of the export server's database was different than
//     the character set of the import server's database AND (4) when the
//     filename or the aliasname of the File increased in size when it
//     was translated to the character set of the import server.
//     When all of these conditions are true, translation of the strings
//     could yield corruption of the data in the column.  Rather than
//     proceeding with the translation, import will leave the character
//     strings in the File in the old character set.
// *Action: After import completes, rename the directory aliases and external
//     filenames to match the real names used for the target database.
00079, 00000, "Warning: National character set data in this table may be incorrect"
// *Cause:  Due to a problem in 8.0.2 Export, national character data in
//          NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 columns was incorrectly assumed to be in
//          the export server's data base character set and was converted
//          to the export client's data base character set.  This conversion
//          would only be correct if the export server's data base character
//          set was the same as the export server's national character set
//          and the export client's data base character set was the same as
//          the export client's national character set.  All other combinations
//          would likely be incorrect.  This export dump file was generated
//          by 8.0.2 Export and the export client and server characater sets
//          did not fit that criteria.
// *Action: Examine the national character data. If incorrect, update the
//          data with correct data.
00080, 00000, "Error during character conversion of long column or long command"
// *Cause:  During piecewise character conversion of the data in a long
//          column or of a long command, a fatal conversion error
//          occurred.  Either character truncation occurred or an invalid
//          character set handle was used.
// *Action: Retry the import with a different character set.
00081, 00000, "attempt to free unallocated memory"
// *Cause:  An attempt was made to free memory that was not allocated.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support
00082, 00000, "Error during conversion ROWID from string format to internal"
// *Cause:  An error occured while attempting to to convert a ROWID from an
//          export dump file into an internal format.
// *Action: Report this to Oracle Worldwide Support as an Import internal
//          error.
00083, 00000, "dump file does not contain an incremental export"
// *Cause:  An incremental import was requested and the dump file specified
//          for the import command is either a user or table export.
// *Action: Reissue the command import command but specify the name of a dump
//          file containing an incremental export.
00084, 00000, "attempt to mix incremental import with user or table import"
// *Cause:  An incremental import was requested along with the FROMUSER,
//          TOUSER, or TABLE qualifier.  An incremental import cannot be
//          done if any of these other qualifiers are also specified.
// *Action: Determine whether you want to do an incremental import, full
//     import, user import or table import and reissue the import command
//     with the appropriate qualifiers.
00085, 0000, "multiple input files specified for unbounded export file"
// *Cause:  You specified multiple file names for the FILE parameter when
//     doing an import, but the header in the export file indicates that
//     that the export operation could create only one file.  Specifying
//     multiple file names is valid for an import operation only if the
//     export files were created by an export operation in which the user
//     specified a non-zero value for the FILESIZE parameter.
// *Action: If you believe the export contains multiple files, verify that
//     you have specified the correct files.  If you believe the export
//     should be in only one file then try the import operation again,
//     but specify only one value for the FILE parameter.
00086, 00000, "TOID \"%s\" not found in export file"
// *Cause:  Import did not find the type identification specified
//          in the TOID_NOVALIDATE parameter. The specified type
//          identification does not exist in export file.
// *Action: Correct or omit the TOID_NOVALIDATE parameter.
00087, 00000, "Problem with internal hash table of schema/table names"
// *Cause:  Most likely a problem with allocating memory for the hash
//          table entries.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support
00088, 00000, "Problem importing metadata for index %s. Index creation will be skipped"
// *Cause:  Domain indexes import private metadata via anonymous PL/SQL blocks
//   prior to the CREATE INDEX statement. The execution of one of these
//        PL/SQL blocks failed. Because the metadata is considered an integral
//        part of the index, the subsequent CREATE INDEX statement was skipped.
// *Action: Contact the developer of the index's implementation type. If this
//   is an Oracle-supplied index (perhaps via a data cartridge), contact
//   Oracle Worldwide Support.
00089, 00000, "Fine grain policy \"%s\" not recreated on table/view \"%s\" "
// *Cause:  Import user fails to recreate fine grained policies of the
//     table/view being imported. To recreate the policy, the user doing
//          the import needs execute privilege on the package DBMS_RLS for
//          access policies or DBMS_FGA for audit policies.
// *Action:  Ask the database administrator to perform the export/import of
//      this table/view.
00090, 00000, "Unexpected DbmsJava error %d at step %u while creating %s"
// *Cause:  The error was returned from a call to a DbmsJava procedure.
// *Action: Record the accompanying messages and report this as an Import
//          internal error to customer support.
00091, 00000, "Above error occurred on the following function and object: %s. Remaining PL/SQL blocks for this object will be skipped."
// *Cause: An error occurred while executing a PL/SQL block that implements the
// DDL for the named function and procedural object. A procedural object
// is one whose DDL is implemented as stored procedures rather than as
// standard SQL statements.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support so they may determine the
// development group responsible for the package that failed.
00092, 00000, "Java object \"%s\".\"%s\" already exists, cannot be created"
// *Cause:  Import failed to create the Java source, class or resource object
//          because it already exists.
// *Action: Drop the object type from the target system and retry the
//          operation.
00093, 00000, "Inconsistency between dumpfile constraint definition for table %s with columns (%s)"
// *Cause: Import failed to locate a base table for a constraint that was
//    defined in the dump file and statistics were not imported.
// *Action: Check to see if the table and constraint exist. If the table and
//     constraint exist, then report this to Oracle Support Services as
//          an Import internal error.
00094, 00000, "Warning: The identifier on the dump file for object type \"%s\".\"%s\" is invalid"
// *Cause:  The character string representing the object type's identifier
// *        could not be converted.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
00095, 00000, "Resumable parameters ignored -- current session not resumable"
// *Cause: Current session is not resumable.
// *Action: Must specify RESUMABLE=Y to enable resumable session in order for
//          the RESUMABLE_NAME and RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT parameters to take effect.
00096, 00000, "Warning: Skipping table \"%s\".\"%s\" because type synonym \"%s\".\"%s\" cannot be created"
// *Cause:  An error occurred creating a synonym for a type that is used by the
// *        table.
// *Action: Examine the import log to determine why the type synonym could
// *        not be created. If the synonym already existed, but is not
// *        needed, then drop the synonym and retry the import. If the
// *        synonym is PUBLIC but the importer does not have the
// *        CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM system privilege, then the import must
// *        be done by someone possessing that privilege, or the importer
// *        must be granted the privilege.
00097, 00000, "\nSTREAMS_CONFIGURATION=Y ignored, only valid with FULL=Y"
// *Cause: STREAMS_CONFIGURATION=Y can only be used
// *       when FULL=Y is present on the command line
// *Action: Remove conflicting command arguments
00098, 00000, "INTERNAL ERROR: %s"
// *Cause:  An INTERNAL error occurred.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
00099, 00000, "Warning: The typeid in the dump file for object type \"%s\".\"%s\" is invalid"
// *Cause:  The character string representing the object type's identifier
// *        could not be converted.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
/ Informative messages
/   Do NOT translate message 100
00100, 00000, "Import"
// UI[101,146]
00101, 00000, "\nConnected to: %s\n"
00102, 00000, "\n. . importing table%*.*s%*.*s"
00103, 00000, "%11lu rows imported"
00109, 00000, "\n\nWarning: the objects were exported by %s, not by you\n"
00110, 00000, "\nImport terminated successfully without warnings.\n"
00111, 00000, "\nColumn %lu %.*s"
00112, 00000, "\n. importing %s's objects into %s"
00113, 00000, "\nExport file created by %s"
00114, 00000, "\n. . skipping table %-35.*s"
00115, 00000, "\n. importing user %-35s"
00116, 00000, "\nSystem error message"
00117, 00000, "\nNote: table contains ROWID column, values may be obsolete"
00118, 00000, "\nImport terminated successfully with warnings.\n"
00119, 00000, "\nWriting all labels to %s\n"
00120, 00000, "\n%61lu rows imported"
00121, 00000, "\nExport file created by %s via conventional path"
00122, 00000, "\nExport file created by %s via direct path"
00123, 00000, "\nColumn : %.*s"
00124, 00000, "\nAbout to import Tablespace Point-in-time Recovery objects..."
00125, 00000, "\n. . importing partition%*.*s%*.*s"
00126, 00000, "\n. . skipping partition %-35.*s"
00127, 00000, "\nAbout to enable constraints..."
00128, 00000, "\nimport done in %s character set and %s NCHAR character set"
00129, 00000, "\nimport server uses %s character set (possible charset conversion)"
00130, 00000, "\nexport client uses %s character set (possible charset conversion)"
00131, 00000, "\nexport server uses %s NCHAR character set (possible ncharset conversion)"
00132, 00000, "first file in the multi-file export is %*s"
00133, 00000, "\n. . skipping TOID validation on type %s.%s"
00134, 00000, "\nAbout to import transportable tablespace(s) metadata..."
00135, 00000, "\n. . importing subpartition%*.*s%*.*s"
00136, 00000, "\n. . skipping subpartition %-35.*s"
/ Message 137 is unused.
00138, 00000, "\nNote: RECORDLENGTH=%lu truncated to %lu\n"
/ The following messages are used by the undocumented METRICS facility.
00139, 00000, "\n\nTotals for tables"
00140, 00000, "\n\nTotals for database"
/ Messages 141 thru 144 should all be the same length and right aligned with respect to other messages in the log.
00141, 00000, "\n        Rows    = %10Ld Elapsed Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld  CPU Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld"
00142, 00000, "\n  Total Rows    = %10Ld Elapsed Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld  CPU Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld"
00143, 00000, "\n        Objects = %10Ld Elapsed Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld  CPU Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld"
00144, 00000, "\n  Total Objects = %10Ld Elapsed Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld  CPU Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld"
00145, 00000, "\n  %10Ld Buffer Reads of %10Ld bytes = %10.3f Kbytes read"
00146, 00000, "\n  Throughput = %10.3f Kbytes/sec"
/ end of METRICS messages
/ Prompt messages
// UI[200,215]
00200, 00000, "\n%s (%s/%s): %s > "
00201, 00000, "\nImport file: %s > "
00202, 00000, "List contents of import file only"
00203, 00000, "Import entire export file"
00204, 00000, "\nEnter table(T) or partition(T:P) names. Null list means all tables for user"
00205, 00000, "\nEnter table(T) or partition(T:P) name or . if done: "
00206, 00000, "\nEnter insert buffer size (minimum is %lu) %lu> "
00207, 00000, "Username: "
00208, 00000, "Password: "
00209, 00000, "Ignore create error due to object existence"
00210, 00000, "Import grants"
00211, 00000, "Import table data"
00212, 00000, "\nMLS Import mapping file (default is none) "
00213, 00000, "List mapping relations"
00214, 00000, "Abort Import"
00215, 00000, "\nEnter name of the next file in the export file set."
/ prompt for volsize
// UI[298,299]
00298, 00000, "\nVolume size (<ret> for no restriction) > "
00299, 00000, "\nPlease mount the next volume, and hit <ret> when you are done\n"

/ HELP messages, range defined as HELPSTART and HELPEND in impdef.h
// UI[300,338]
00300, 00000, "\n\nYou can let Import prompt you for parameters by entering the IMP\n"
00301, 00000, "command followed by your username/password:\n"
00302, 00000, "\n"
00303, 00000, "     Example: IMP SCOTT/TIGER\n"
00304, 00000, "\n"
00305, 00000, "Or, you can control how Import runs by entering the IMP command followed\n"
00306, 00000, "by various arguments. To specify parameters, you use keywords:\n"
00307, 00000, "\n"
00308, 00000, "     Format:  IMP KEYWORD=value or KEYWORD=(value1,value2,...,valueN)\n"
00309, 00000, "     Example: IMP SCOTT/TIGER IGNORE=Y TABLES=(EMP,DEPT) FULL=N\n"
00310, 00000, "               or TABLES=(T1:P1,T1:P2), if T1 is partitioned table\n"
00311, 00000, "\n"
00312, 00000, "USERID must be the first parameter on the command line.\n"
00313, 00000, "\n"
00314, 00000, "Keyword  Description (Default)       Keyword      Description (Default)\n"
00315, 00000, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
00316, 00000, "USERID   username/password           FULL         import entire file (N)\n"
00317, 00000, "BUFFER   size of data buffer         FROMUSER     list of owner usernames\n"
00318, 00000, "FILE     input files (EXPDAT.DMP)    TOUSER       list of usernames\n"
00319, 00000, "SHOW     just list file contents (N) TABLES       list of table names\n"
00320, 00000, "IGNORE   ignore create errors (N)    RECORDLENGTH length of IO record\n"
00321, 00000, "GRANTS   import grants (Y)           INCTYPE      incremental import type\n"
00322, 00000, "INDEXES  import indexes (Y)          COMMIT       commit array insert (N)\n"
00323, 00000, "ROWS     import data rows (Y)        PARFILE      parameter filename\n"
00324, 00000, "LOG      log file of screen output   CONSTRAINTS  import constraints (Y)\n"
00325, 00000, "DESTROY                overwrite tablespace data file (N)\n"
00326, 00000, "INDEXFILE              write table/index info to specified file\n"
00327, 00000, "CHARSET                character set of export file (NLS_LANG)\n"
00328, 00000, "SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES  skip maintenance of unusable indexes (N)\n"
00329, 00000, "FEEDBACK               display progress every x rows(0)\n"
00330, 00000, "TOID_NOVALIDATE        skip validation of specified type ids \n"
00331, 00000, "FILESIZE               maximum size of each dump file\n"
00332, 00000, "STATISTICS             import precomputed statistics (always)\n"
00333, 00000, "RESUMABLE              suspend when a space related error is encountered(N)\n"
00334, 00000, "RESUMABLE_NAME         text string used to identify resumable statement\n"      
00335, 00000, "RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT      wait time for RESUMABLE \n"
00336, 00000, "COMPILE                compile procedures, packages, and functions (Y)\n"
00337, 00000, "STREAMS_CONFIGURATION  import streams general metadata (Y)\n"
00338, 00000, "STREAMS_INSTANTIATION  import streams instantiation metadata (N)\n"
00339, 00000, "VOLSIZE                number of bytes in file on each volume of a file on tape\n"
// UI[360,364]
00360, 00000, "\nThe following keywords only apply to transportable tablespaces\n"
00361, 00000, "TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE import transportable tablespace metadata (N)\n"
00362, 00000, "TABLESPACES tablespaces to be transported into database\n"
00363, 00000, "DATAFILES datafiles to be transported into database\n"
00364, 00000, "TTS_OWNERS users that own data in the transportable tablespace set\n"
/ Error messages (continued from 000 - 099)
00400, 00000, "Warning: Object type \"%s\".\"%s\" already exists with a different typeid"
// *Cause:  An object type could not be created because it already existed on the
// *        target system, but with a different typeid
// *Action: Drop the object type from the target system and retry the
//          operation.
00401, 00000, "dump file \"%s\" may be an Data Pump export dump file"
// *Cause:  A dump file was specified for an import operation which appears
//          to have been created using the Data Pump export utility. These
//          dump files cannot be processed by the original import utility.
// *Action: Try using the Data Pump import utility to process this dump file.

Posted by 1010
02.Oracle/DataBase2008. 7. 8. 13:59

/ $Header: expus.msg 26-aug-2004.10:07:30 jgalanes Exp $ exumtb.msg
/ Copyright (c) 1988, 2001 by the Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
/ File: v6$knl:[impexp]exumtb.msg
/ Created: 07/12/88
/ This file is converted to header/message files using lmsgen.c
/ The first column is the Export error number.
/ The second column is reserved and must be (for now) 00000
/ The remainder of the line is the error text
/ Adding an error for Export:
/    Check out this file, add the error, and check it back in. Error numbers
/    should always be ordered.  The second column should always be 00000.
/ Range 000 - 199: actual Export errors
/ Range 200 - 299: informative messages
/ Range 300 - 399: prompt messages
/ Range 400 - 499: help messages
00000, 00000, "Export terminated unsuccessfully\n"
// *Cause:  Export encountered an Oracle error.
// *Action: Look up the accompanying Oracle message in the ORA message
//          chapters of this manual, and take appropriate action.
00001, 00000, "data field truncation - column length=%lu, buffer size=%lu actual size=%lu"
// *Cause:  Export could not fit a column in the data buffer.
// *Action: Record the given size parameters and the accompanying messages and
//          report this as an Export internal error to customer support. (Part
//          of the table has been exported. Export will continue with the next
//          table.)
00002, 00000, "error in writing to export file"
// *Cause:  Export could not write to the export file, probably because of a
//          device error. This message is usually followed by a device message
//          from the operating system.
// *Action: Take appropriate action to restore the device.
00003, 00000, "no storage definition found for segment(%lu, %lu)"
// *Cause:  Export could not find the storage definitions for a cluster,
//          index, or table.
// *Action: Record the accompanying messages and report this as an Export
//          internal error to customer support.
00004, 00000, "invalid username or password"
// *Cause:  An invalid username or password was specified.
// *Action: Retry with a valid username and password.
00005, 00000, "all allowable logon attempts failed"
// *Cause:  Attempts were repeatedly made to log on with an invalid username
//          or password.
// *Action: Shut down the utility, then restart and retry with a valid
//          username and password.
00006, 00000, "internal inconsistency error"
// *Cause:  Export's data structure was corrupted.
// *Action: Record the accompanying messages and report this as an Export
//          internal error to customer support.
00007, 00000, "dictionary shows no columns for %s.%s"
// *Cause:  Export failed to gather column information from the data
//          dictionary. The table may have been dropped.
// *Action: Retry the export and, if this error recurs, report it as an Export
//          internal error to customer support.
00008, 00000, "ORACLE error %lu encountered"
// *Cause:  Export encountered the referenced Oracle error.
// *Action: Look up the Oracle message in the ORA message chapters of this
//          manual and take appropriate action.
00009, 00000, "no privilege to export %s's table %s"
// *Cause:  An attempt was made to export another user's table. Only a
//          database administrator can export another user's tables.
// *Action: Ask your database administrator to do the export.
00010, 00000, "%s is not a valid username"
// *Cause:  An invalid username was specified.
// *Action: Shut down the utility, then restart and retry with a valid
//          username.
00011, 00000, "%s.%s does not exist"
// *Cause:  Export could not find the specified table.
// *Action: Retry with the correct table name.
00012, 00000, "%s is not a valid export mode"
// *Cause:  An invalid export mode was specified.
// *Action: Retry with a valid export mode.
00013, 00000, "respond with either 'Y', 'N', RETURN or '.' to quit"
// *Cause:  An invalid response was entered.
// *Action: Enter any of the responses shown in the message.
00014, 00000, "error on row %lu of table %s\n"
// *Cause:  Export encountered an Oracle error while fetching rows.
// *Action: Look up the accompanying Oracle message in the ORA message
//          chapters of this manual and take appropriate action.
00015, 00000, "error on row %lu of table %s, column %s, datatype %lu"
// *Cause:  Export encountered an error while fetching or writing the
//          column. An accompanying message gives more information.
// *Action: Correct the error and try again.
00016, 00000, "ORACLE error encountered while reading default auditing options"
// *Cause:  Export encountered an Oracle error while reading the default
//          auditing options (those for updates, deletes, and so on).
// *Action: Look up the accompanying Oracle message in the ORA message
//          chapters of this manual and take appropriate action.
00017, 00000, "feature \"%s\" is needed, but not present in database"
// *Cause:  The command entered requires the specified feature.  Either that
//     feature is not installed, or the row describing the feature is
//     missing from table V$OPTION
// *Action: Reinstall Oracle with the feature specified in the message.
00018, 00000, "datatype (%lu) for column %s, table %s.%s is not supported"
// *Cause:  Export does not support the referenced datatype.
// *Action: Retry with an acceptable datatype (CHAR, NUMBER, DATE,
//          LONG, or RAW).
00019, 00000, "failed to process parameters, type 'EXP HELP=Y' for help"
// *Cause:  Invalid command-line parameters were specified.
// *Action: Check the online help screen for the set of valid parameters, then
//          retry.
00020, 00000, "failed to allocate memory of size %lu"
// *Cause:  Export failed to allocate the necessary memory.
// *Action: Decrease the export buffer size so that less memory is required,
//          or increase the runtime memory size for Export.
00021, 00000, "can only perform incremental export in Full Database mode"
// *Cause:  USER or TABLE mode was specified when doing an incremental export.
// *Action: Specify FULL database mode (FULL=Y) and retry.
00022, 00000, "must be SYS or SYSTEM to do incremental export"
// *Cause:  The privileges needed to do an incremental export do not exist.
//          Only a data base administrator can do incremental exports.
// *Action: Ask the database administrator to do the incremental export.
00023, 00000, "must be a DBA to do Full Database or Tablespace export"
// *Cause:  The privileges needed to do a FULL database export do not exist.
//          Only a database administrator can do a FULL database export.
// *Action: Ask the database administrator to do the FULL database export.
00024, 00000, "Export views not installed, please notify your DBA"
// *Cause:  The necessary Export views were not installed.
// *Action: Ask the database administrator to install the required Export
//          views.
00025, 00000, "dictionary shows no column for constraint %s.%lu"
// *Cause:  Export failed to gather column information about the referenced
//          constraint from the data dictionary. The constraint may have
//          been altered.
// *Action: Retry the export and, if this error recurs, report it as an Export
//          internal error to customer support.
00026, 00000, "conflicting modes specified"
// *Cause:  Conflicting export modes were specified.
// *Action: Specify only one parameter and retry.
00027, 00000, "failed to calculate ORACLE block size"
// *Cause:  Export failed to calculate the Oracle block size.
// *Action: Report this as an Export internal error to customer support.
00028, 00000, "failed to open %s for write"
// *Cause:  Export failed to open the export file for writing. This message is
//          usually followed by device messages from the operating system.
// *Action: Take appropriate action to restore the device.
00029, 00000, "Incremental export mode and consistent mode are not compatible"
// *Cause:  Both consistent and incremental exports were specified.
// *Action: None. Consistent mode is turned off.
00030, 00000, "Unexpected End-Of-File encountered while reading input"
// *Cause:  Encountered an End-Of-File while reading the user input.
// *Action: If input to export is being redirected, check the file for errors.
00031, 00000, "Arraysize not in valid range. Using arraysize=%u"
// *Cause:  The arraysize value specified is not in the valid range.
// *Action: None
00032, 00000, "Non-DBAs may not export other users"
// *Cause:  Only database administrators can export to other users. A non-
//          database administrator attempted to specify owner=user where
//          exporter is not the user.
// *Action: Request that this operation be performed by the database
//          administrator.
00033, 00000, "Could not find environment character set"
// *Cause:  The environment character set is missing or incorrectly specified.
// *Action: Ensure that the environment character set is correctly specified
//          and is present.
00034, 00000, "error on rowid: file# %lu block# %lu slot# %lu"
// *Cause:  Identifies the rowid on which an error occurred.
// *Action: This is an information message. No action is required.
00035, 00000, "QUERY parameter valid only for table mode exports" 
// *Cause:  You specified the QUERY parameter in an export command, but you 
//     are not performing a table mode export.  The QUERY parameter cannot
//     be used for a user mode export, a full export, nor 
//     a point in time recovery export. 
// *Action: If you want to select a subset of rows for a table, you must export
//     the table independently with a table mode export.  Issue a table 
//     mode export command that specifies the table name and the query you
//     want to execute during export.
00036, 00000, "Object %lu non-existent in dictionary"
// *Cause:  The specified object could not be found in the dictionary.
//          The object might have been dropped during the export
// *Action: The object no longer exists; no action is needed.
00037, 00000, "Export views not compatible with database version"
// *Cause:  The Export utility is at a higher version than the database
//          version and is thereby incompatible.
// *Action: Use the same version of Export utility as the database.
00038, 00000, "Bad Hash cluster id in clu$"
// *Cause:  The function id in clu$ is not a legal number. Clu$ has become
//          corrupted.
// *Action: Contact Worldwide Support
00039, 00000, "export file %s must be on a disk"
// *Cause:  On some platforms, export can read files from tape.  This message
//     is displayed if the first file in an export file set was on disk
//     and you specified a tape device for a second or subsequent file.
// *Action: Verify that you have specified the correct file name for the export
//     file.  Remember that all export files can be either on disk or all
//     files can be on tape, but not mixed both tape and disk.
00040, 00000, "Dump file and log file must be different"
// *Cause:  The dump file and log file cannot be the same file.
// *Action: Specify different file names for the dump file and the log file,
//          then retry the operation.
00041, 00000, "INCTYPE parameter is obsolete"
// *Cause:  Export encountered the INCTYPE parameter when parsing Export
//          options.  Incremental Exports are no longer supported.
// *Action: Consult the Oracle Backup and Recovery guide. 
//          Export will attempt to continue.
00042, 00000, "Missing NLS_CHARACTERSET/NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET in props$"
//          entered in the props$ table"
// *Action: internal error.
00043, 00000, "Invalid data dictionary information in the row where column \"%s\" is \"%s\" in table %s"
// *Cause:  The export utility retrieved invalid data from the data
//     dictionary.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Suport.
00044, 00000, "must be connected 'AS SYSDBA' to do Point-in-time Recovery or Transportable Tablespace import"
// *Cause:  The user must log in 'as SYSDBA' to perform transportable
//          tablespace imports or Point-In-Time Recovery imports.
// *Action: Ask your database adminstrator to perform the Transportable
//          Tablespace import or the Tablespace Point-in-time Recovery import.
00045, 00000, "Cannot export SYSTEM Tablespace for Point-in-time Recovery or Transportable Tablespace"
// *Cause:  SYSTEM tablespace cannot be part of recovery set or transportable tablespace set.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Wordwide Support.
00046, 00000, "Tablespace named %s does not exist"
// *Cause:  The specified tablespace does not exist in dictionary.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Wordwide Support.
00047, 00000, "Missing tablespace name(s)"
// *Cause:  Tablespace name(s) were not supplied
// *Action: Provide tablespace name(s)
00048, 00000, "Cannot export SYSAUX Tablespace for Point-in-time Recovery or Transportable Tablespace"
// *Cause:  SYSAUX tablespace cannot be part of recovery set or transportable tablespace set.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Wordwide Support.
00049, 00000, "%s option is not compatible with Point-in-time Recovery or Transportable Tablespace Export"
// *Cause:  An option was specified incompatible with Point-in-time
//          Recovery or Transportable Tablespace Export.
// *Action: Retry the Export without the displayed option.
00050, 00000, "Cannot perform Partition Export \"%s\" on non-partitioned table \"%s\""
// *Cause:  The table specified in this Partition Export is not a
//          partitioned table.
// *Action: Use Table mode, or specify a non-partitioned table.
00051, 00000, "\"%s\" - given partition or subpartition name is not part of \"%s\" table"
// *Cause:  The specified partition or subpartition name is not in the specified table.
// *Action: Check if the correct table, partition or subpartition name was specified.
00052, 00000, "error on row %lu of partition %s\n"
// *Cause:  Export encountered the referenced Oracle error while fetching
//          rows.
// *Action: Look up the Oracle message in the ORA message chapters of this
//          manual and take appropriate action.
00053, 00000, "unable to execute QUERY on table %s because the table has inner nested tables" 
// *Cause:  You specified the QUERY parameter on a table that has one or more
//     inner nested tables.  The QUERY parameter cannot be specified on  
//     tables that have inner nested tables. 
// *Action: Export the entire table by omitting the QUERY parameter.
00054, 00000, "error on row %lu of subpartition %s\n"
// *Cause:  Export encountered the referenced Oracle error while fetching rows.
// *Action: Look up the Oracle message in the ORA message chapters of this
//          manual and take appropriate action. 
00055, 00000, "%s.%s is marked not exportable"
// *Cause:  An object was marked as non-exportable in the NOEXP$ table.
// *Action: Consult your database administrator.
/ do NOT translate or document message 56 - it is never displayed
00056, 00000, "placeholder for OCI error "
// *Document: NO
// *Cause:  filler
// *Action: filler
00057, 00000, "Failure to initialize parameter manager"
// *Cause:  The parameter manager failed in intialization.
// *Action: Record the messages that follow and report this to Oracle Wordwide
//          Support as an Export internal bug.
00058, 00000, "Password Verify Function for %s profile does not exist"
// *Cause:  Cannot find the function for the profile.
// *Action: Check if the profile was created properly.
00059, 00000, "error converting an object type's identifier to characters"
// *Cause:  An invalid length of an object type identifier prevented
//          its conversion.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support
00060, 00000, "an object type had multiple TYPE BODYs"
// *Cause:  More than one TYPE BODY was found for an object type.
// *Action: Try dropping the TYPE BODY, if that is not successful, contact 
//          Oracle Worldwide Support
00061, 00000, "unable to find the outer table name of a nested table "
// *Cause:  While exporting a bitmap index or posttable action
//          on an inner nested table, the name of the outer
//          table could not be located, using the NTAB$ table.
// *Action: Verify the table is properly defined.
00062, 00000, "invalid source statements for an object type"
// *Cause:  TYPE was not found in the statements in SOURCE$ for an
//          Object Type
// *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
00063, 00000, "error in changing language handle"
// *Cause:  Unable to change language handle.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
00064, 00000, "%s is an inner nested table and cannot be exported."
// *Cause:  An attempt was made to export an inner nested table without its
//          parent table.
// *Action: Export the parent of the inner nested table.
00065, 00000, "Error writing lob to the dump file."
// *Cause:  The current LOB could not be written to the dump file.
// *Action: Identify the cause of the write failure and fix it.
00066, 00000, "Object table %s is missing its object identifier index"
// *Cause:  All object tables must have an object identifier index, but
//          the specified table was missing an index on its object
//     identifier column.
// *Action: Recreate the type table and retry the operation.
00068, 00000, "tablespace %s is offline"
// *Cause:  Export failed to export tablespace (tablespace being offline).
// *Action: Make tablespace online and re export.
/ do NOT translate or document message 69 - it is never displayed
00069, 00000, "placeholder for column level ORA error "
// *Document: NO
// *Cause:  filler
// *Action: filler
00070, 00000, "attempt to free unallocated memory"
// *Cause:  An attempt was made to free memory that was not allocated.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support
00071, 00000, "QUERY parameter not compatible with Direct Path export"
// *Cause:  You specified a value for the QUERY parameter for a direct path
//     export. The QUERY parameter cannot be used with a direct path
//     export.
// *Action: Re-issue the export command with DIRECT=N or omit the DIRECT 
//     parameter from the command line.
00072, 00000, "error closing export file %s"
// *Cause:  An error occurred while trying to close the export file.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support.
00073, 00000, "dump file size too small"
// *Cause:  You specified either the FILESIZE parameter or the VOLSIZE
//        parameter (if your platform supports it), and the value of the
//        parameter is too small to hold the header information for the 
//        export file, plus any data. 
// *Action: Increase the value of the FILESIZE or VOLSIZE parameter.
00074, 0000, "rounding VOLSIZE down, new value is %s"
// *Cause:  The VOLSIZE parameter must be a multiple of the RECORDLENGTH,
//        but the value you specified for VOLSIZE does not meet this
//        requirement.  The value of VOLSIZE has been rounded down to
//        be a multiple of the RECORDLENGTH used for the dump file.
// *Action: No action is required.  You can adjust the VOLSIZE or RECORDLENGTH
//        parameter to avoid this message.  When importing
//        this file, you must specify the VOLSIZE value reported by this
//        message.
00075, 0000, "rounding FILESIZE down, new value is %s"
// *Cause:  The FILESIZE parameter must be a multiple of the RECORDLENGTH,
//        but the value you specified for FILESIZE does not meet this
//        requirement.  The value of FILESIZE has been rounded down to
//        be a multiple of the RECORDLENGTH used for the dump file.
// *Action: No action is required.  You can adjust the FILESIZE or RECORDLENGTH
//        parameter to avoid this message.  When importing
//        this file, you must specify the FILESIZE value reported by this
//        message.
00076, 0000, "multiple devices specified for tape output"
// *Cause:  You specified multiple file names when doing an export to a tape
//   device.  EXPORT uses the same device for writing all files, of the
//   number of tape volumes required.  For this reason, export will
//   accept only one value for the FILE parameter when writing to tape.
// *Action: Reenter the EXPORT command, but specify only one tape device in
//   the FILE parameter.
00077, 0000, "multiple output files specified for unbounded export file"
// *Cause:  You specified multiple file names when doing an export and you also
//   specified a value of 0 for the FILESIZE parameter.  Note that 0 is
//   the value used if FILESIZE is not specified on the command line.
//   Since a value of 0 for FILESIZE means that only one file will be
//   written and there is no size limit for that file, the other files
//   you specified in the FILE parameter can never be used.
// *Action:  If you intended to write multiple files, respecify the command
//   but use the FILESIZE to specify the maximum number of bytes that
//   EXPORT should write to each file.  If you intended to write only
//   one file with no limits on it's size, reissue the EXPORT command
//   but specify only one file name for the FILE parameter.
00078, 0000, "Error exporting metadata for index %s. Index creation will be skipped"
// *Cause:  Domain indexes export private metadata via anonymous PL/SQL blocks
//   prior to the CREATE INDEX statement. Export does this by calling
//   the ODCIIndexGetMetadata method on the implementation type
//   associated with the index. A problem occurred inside this routine.
//   Because the metadata is considered an integral part of the index,
//   the CREATE INDEX statement was not written to the dump file.
// *Action: Contact the developer of the index's implementation type. If this
//   is an Oracle-supplied index (perhaps via a data cartridge), contact
//   Oracle Worldwide Support.
00079, 0000, "Data in table \"%s\" is protected. Conventional path may only be exporting partial table."
// *Cause:  User without the execute privilege on DBMS_RLS, the access control
//        package, tries to export a table that has access control. Since table
//        owner is also subjected to access control, the owner may not be able
//        to export all rows in the table, but only the ones he can see.  Also,
//        to preserve integrity of the table, user exporting the table should
//        have enough privilege to recreate the table with the security
//        policies at import time. Therefore, it is strongly recommended
//        the database administrator should be handling exporting of this
//        table. Granting the table owner execute privilege would also
//        satisfy this security check, though it might have other security
//        implications. If the table does not have objects, can use direct mode.
// *Action: Ask the database administrator to export/import this table/view.
00080, 0000, "Data in table \"%s\" is protected. Using conventional mode."
// *Cause:  User without the execute privilege on DBMS_RLS, the access control
//        package, tries to direct export a table that has access control
//        enabled. Using conventional export mode instead. Note that
//        because of access control, only a partial table may be exported.
// *Action: Ask the database administrator to export/import this table/view.
00081, 0000, "Exporting access control for table/view \"%s\" as non-DBA."
// *Cause:  A non-DBA user tries to export table/view and the associated
//        fine grain access control policies.  The user may not have enough
//        privilege to recreate the access control policies when importing
//        the table/view. And such an event may cause inconsistency
//        in the security model of the table/view.
// *Action: Ask the database administrator to export/import this table/view.
00082, 00000, "Invalid function name passed to procedural object support: %s"
// *Cause:  Internal inconsistency error: The listed function is not a method
//          on export's procedural object interface specification.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support
00083, 00000, "The previous problem occurred when calling %s.%s.%s"
// *Cause:  The listed package provides export/import support for procedural
// actions. The previously listed error occurred while calling the
// specified function.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. Most packages are supplied by
// Oracle internal cartridge or server development groups. The package
// name will help Support determine the correct owner of the problem.
00084, 00000, "Unexpected DbmsJava error %d at step %u"
// *Cause:  The error was returned from a call to a DbmsJava procedure.
// *Action: Record the accompanying messages and report this as an Export
//          internal error to customer support.
00085, 00000, "The previous problem occurred when calling %s.%s.%s for object %lu"
// *Cause:  The listed package provides export/import support for procedural
// objects, i.e, those whose DDL is supplied by stored procedures. The
// previously listed error occurred while calling the specified function.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support. Most packages are supplied by
// Oracle internal cartridge or server development groups. The package
// name will help Support determine the correct owner of the problem.
00086, 00000, "Primary key REFs in table \"%s\"may not be valid on import"
// *Cause:  The specified table contains primary key REFs which may
//          not be valid in the import database.
// *Action: Do not use Export/Import to move Primary key REFs between
//          databases having differing character sets.
00087, 00000, "Problem with internal hash table of schema/table names"
// *Cause:  Most likely a problem with allocating memory for the hash
//          table entries.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support
00088, 00000, "null error message, just signal error "
// *Document: NO
// *Cause:  filler
// *Action: filler
00089, 00000, "invalid FILE_FORMAT specification"
// *Cause:  The FILE_FORMAT specification did not contain an
//          instance of "%s".  This wildcard string must be present.
// *Action: Correct the error and reenter the EXPORT command.
00090, 00000, "cannot pin type \"%s\".\"%s\""
// *Cause:  Export was unable to pin the specified type in the object cache.
//          This is typically caused because a type could not be made valid
//          (for example because of authorization violations in accessing
//          subtypes).
// *Action: Fix the problem with the offending type until the type can be
//          successfully compiled.
00091, 00000, "Exporting questionable statistics."
// *Cause:  Export was able export statistics, but the statistics may not be
//          usuable. The statistics are questionable because one or more of
//     the following happened during export: a row error occurred, client
//     character set or NCHARSET does not match with the server, a query
//     clause was specified on export, only certain partitions or
//     subpartitions were exported, or a fatal error occurred while
//     processing a table.
// *Action: To export non-questionable statistics, change the client character
//     set or NCHARSET to match the server, export with no query clause,
//     export complete tables. If desired, import parameters can be
//     supplied so that only non-questionable statistics will be imported,
//     and all questionable statistics will be recalculated.
00092, 00000, "Unable to set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to required defaults."
// *Cause:  Export was unable to set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to '.,'
// *Action: Record the accompanying messages and report this as an Export
//          internal error to customer support.
00093, 00000, "Could not convert to server character set's handle"
// *Cause:  Internal error.
// *Action: Contact Worldwide support.
00094, 00000, "Could not convert to server national character set's handle"
// *Cause:  Internal error.
// *Action: Contact Worldwide support.
00095, 00000, "Flashback_time and Flashback_scn are not compatible"
// *Cause:  Both flashback_time and flashback_scn paramerers were specified.
// *Action: Reissue command with only one flashback parameter.
00096, 00000, "The template name specified can not be found."
// *Action: The template name specified does not exist. Verify template name
//          by looking up view %_ias_template.
00097, 00000, "Object type \"%s\".\"%s\" is not in a valid state, type will not be exported"
// *Cause:  The object type's status is invalid which may be caused by
//          a dependant type's modification (or removal) without cascading
//          the change.
// *Action: The type must be recompiled using ALTER TYPE COMPILE.
00098, 00000, "Data in table has not been upgraded, table will not be exported"
// *Cause:  Export is attempting to process a table containing references
//          to a type which has evolved.  In order for Export to process the
//          table successfully, all data within each table must be upgraded
//          to the latest revision of each referenced type.
// *Action: The table must be updated using ALTER TABLE UPGRADE DATA.
00099, 00000, "Table \"%s\".\"%s\" is not in a valid state, table will not be exported"
// *Cause:  A table or one of its dependant types has modified without
//          cascading the change.  This left the table in an INVALID state.
// *Action: The table must be updated using ALTER TABLE UPDATE.
00100, 00000, "error converting an object type's hashcode to characters"
// *Cause:  An invalid length of an object type identifier prevented
//          its conversion.
// *Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Support
00101, 00000, "Version 1 extensible index \"%s\".\"%s\" can not be included in Transportable Tablespace Export"
// *Cause:  Transporable Tablespace extensible indexes must be at least version
//          2.
// *Action: Upgrade extensibile index implementation to version 2
//          specifications.
00102, 00000, "Resumable parameters ignored -- current session not resumable"
// *Cause:  Current session is not resumable.
// *Action: Must specify RESUMABLE=Y to enable resumable session in order for
//          the RESUMABLE_NAME and RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT parameters to take effect.
00103, 00000, "The FLASHBACK_TIME parameter was invalid"
// *Cause:  FLASHBACK_TIME did not contain a valid timestamp or an expression
//          that yields a valid timestamp.
// *Action: Specify a timestamp value in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS or
//          an expression that evaluates to a valid timestamp.
00104, 00000, "datatype (%s) of column %s in table %s.%s is not supported, table will not be exported"
// *Cause:  The column is of a datatype which does not contain the required
//          support.  The table will not be exported.
// *Action: Use the Data Pump version of Export to export this table.
00105, 00000, "parameter %s is not supported for this user"
// *Cause:  The user attempted to specify either CONSISTENT or OBJECT_CONSISTENT
//          when connected as sysdba.
// *Action: If a consistent export is needed, then connect as another user.
00106, 00000, "Invalid Database Link Passwords"
// *Cause:  Invalid Encoded Password for Database Link
// *Action: Please drop the Database Link and recreate it after import.
00107, 00000, "Feature (%s) of column %s in table %s.%s is not supported. The table will not be exported."
// *Cause:  Export does not contain the required support for this feature.
//          The table will not be exported.
// *Action: Use the Data Pump version of Export to export this table.
/ Informative messages
// UI[200,205]
00200, 00000, "\nExport terminated successfully without warnings.\n"
00201, 00000, "\n\nAbout to export specified tables "
00203, 00000, "\nCurrent user changed to %s"
00204, 00000, "\n\nAbout to export specified users ..."
00205, 00000, "%11lu rows exported"
/ do NOT translate message 206
00206, 00000, "Export"
// UI[207,285]
00207, 00000, "\nConnected to: %s"
00208, 00000, "\n\nAbout to export the entire database ..."
00209, 00000, "\n. exporting user definitions"
00210, 00000, "\n. exporting cluster definitions"
00211, 00000, "\n. exporting tablespace definitions"
00212, 00000, "\n. exporting synonyms"
00213, 00000, "\n. exporting default and system auditing options"
00214, 00000, "\n. . exporting table%*.*s%*.*s"
00215, 00000, "\nAbout to export %s's objects ..."
00216, 00000, "\n. about to export %s's tables "
00217, 00000, "\n. exporting database links"
00218, 00000, "\n. exporting rollback segment definitions"
00219, 00000, "\n. exporting sequence numbers"
00220, 00000, "\n. exporting referential integrity constraints"
00221, 00000, "\n. exporting information about dropped objects"
00222, 00000, "\n. exporting PUBLIC type synonyms"
00223, 00000, "\nNote: grants on tables/views/sequences/roles will not be exported"
00224, 00000, "\nNote: indexes on tables will not be exported"
00225, 00000, "\nNote: constraints on tables will not be exported"
00226, 00000, "\nNote: table data (rows) will not be exported"
00227, 00000, "\n. exporting roles"
00228, 00000, "\n. exporting views"
00229, 00000, "\n. exporting triggers"
00230, 00000, "\n. exporting profiles"
00231, 00000, "\n. exporting stored procedures"
00232, 00000, "\n. exporting materialized views"
00233, 00000, "\n. exporting snapshot logs"
00234, 00000, "          Rows not exported"
00235, 00000, "\nWarning: Object %s.%s is invalid"
00236, 00000, "\nExport terminated successfully with warnings.\n"
00237, 00000, "\n. exporting resource costs"
00238, 00000, "\n. exporting job queues"
00239, 00000, "\n. exporting refresh groups and children"
00240, 00000, "\n. exporting posttables actions"
00241, 00000, "\n%61lu rows exported"
00242, 00000, "via Conventional Path ..."
00243, 00000, "via Direct Path ..."
00244, 00000, "\nExport done in %s character set and %s NCHAR character set"
00245, 00000, "\n\nAbout to export Tablespace Point-in-time Recovery objects..."
00246, 00000, "\nFor tablespace %s ..."
00247, 00000, "\n. exporting table definitions"
00248, 00000, "\nWarning: %s option incompatible with Tablespace point-in-time Recovery"
00249, 00000, "\n. . exporting partition%*.*s%*.*s"
00250, 00000, "\n. end point-in-time recovery"
00251, 00000, "\n. exporting user history table"
00252, 00000, "\n. exporting foreign function library names for user %s "
00253, 00000, "\n. exporting object type definitions"
00254, 00000, "\n. exporting object type definitions for user %s "
00255, 00000, "\nNote: Table depends on an object type from a different schema %s.%s"
00256, 00000, "\n. exporting directory aliases"
00257, 00000, "\n. exporting foreign function library names"
00258, 00000, "\nserver uses %s character set (possible charset conversion)"
00259, 00000, "\ncontinuing export into file %s\n"
00260, 00000, "\n. exporting context namespaces"
00261, 00000, "\nAbout to export transportable tablespace metadata..."
00262, 00000, "\n. end transportable tablespace metadata export"
00263, 00000, "\n. exporting operators"
00264, 00000, "\n. exporting indextypes"
00265, 00000, "\n. exporting dimensions"
00266, 00000, "\n. exporting system procedural objects and actions"
00267, 00000, "\n. exporting pre-schema procedural objects and actions"
00268, 00000, "\n. exporting post-schema procedural objects and actions"
00269, 00000, "\n. exporting bitmap, functional and extensible indexes"
00270, 00000, "\n. . exporting composite partition%*.*s%*.*s"
00271, 00000, "\n. . exporting subpartition%*.*s%*.*s"
00272, 00000, "\n. exporting statistics"
00273, 00000, "\nNote: RECORDLENGTH=%lu truncated to %lu\n"
00274, 00000, "\n\nAbout to export selected tablespaces ..."
00275, 00000, "\n. exporting iAS generated DDL statements"
00276, 00000, "\nTable %s will be exported in conventional path."
00277, 00000, "\n. exporting private type synonyms"
/ The following messages are used by the undocumented METRICS facility.
00278, 00000, "\n\nTotals for tables"
00279, 00000, "\n\nTotals for database"
/ Messages 280 thru 283 should all be the same length and right aligned with respect to other messages in the log.
00280, 00000, "\n        Rows    = %10Ld Elapsed Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld  CPU Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld"
00281, 00000, "\n  Total Rows    = %10Ld Elapsed Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld  CPU Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld"
00282, 00000, "\n        Objects = %10Ld Elapsed Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld  CPU Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld"
00283, 00000, "\n  Total Objects = %10Ld Elapsed Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld  CPU Time = %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld"
00284, 00000, "\n  %10Ld Buffer Writes of %10Ld bytes = %10.3f Kbytes written"
00285, 00000, "\n  Throughput = %10.3f Kbytes/sec"
/ end of METRICS messages

/ Prompt messages
// UI[300,311]
00300, 00000, "\nEnter array fetch buffer size: %lu > "
00301, 00000, "\nUsername: "
00302, 00000, "Password: "
00303, 00000, "\nTable(T) or Partition(T:P) to be exported: (RETURN to quit) > "
00304, 00000, "\nUser to be exported: (RETURN to quit) > "
00305, 00000, "Compress extents"
/ These messages used to accept only the first letter of the mode.
/ Now they also accept the number indicated in parentheses so they
/ are language-independent.
00306, 00000, "\n(1)E(ntire database), (2)U(sers), or (3)T(ables): (2)U > "
00307, 00000, "\n(2)U(sers), or (3)T(ables): (2)U > "
00308, 00000, "\n%s (%s/%s): %s > "
00309, 00000, "\nExport file: %s > "
00310, 00000, "Export grants"
00311, 00000, "Export table data"
/ prompt for volsize
// UI[398,399]
00398, 00000, "\nVolume size (<ret> for no restriction) > "
00399, 00000, "\nPlease mount the next volume and hit <ret> when you are done.\n"
#endif /* EXU_VOLSIZE */

/ HELP messages, range defined as EXUSHLP and EXUEHLP in exudef.h
// UI[400,436]
00400, 00000, "\n\nYou can let Export prompt you for parameters by entering the EXP\n"
00401, 00000, "command followed by your username/password:\n"
00402, 00000, "\n"
00403, 00000, "     Example: EXP SCOTT/TIGER\n"
00404, 00000, "\n"
00405, 00000, "Or, you can control how Export runs by entering the EXP command followed\n"
00406, 00000, "by various arguments. To specify parameters, you use keywords:\n"
00407, 00000, "\n"
00408, 00000, "     Format:  EXP KEYWORD=value or KEYWORD=(value1,value2,...,valueN)\n"
00409, 00000, "     Example: EXP SCOTT/TIGER GRANTS=Y TABLES=(EMP,DEPT,MGR)\n"
00410, 00000, "               or TABLES=(T1:P1,T1:P2), if T1 is partitioned table\n"
00411, 00000, "\n"
00412, 00000, "USERID must be the first parameter on the command line.\n"
00413, 00000, "\n"
00414, 00000, "Keyword    Description (Default)      Keyword      Description (Default)\n"
00415, 00000, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
00416, 00000, "USERID     username/password          FULL         export entire file (N)\n"
00417, 00000, "BUFFER     size of data buffer        OWNER        list of owner usernames\n"
00418, 00000, "FILE       output files (EXPDAT.DMP)  TABLES       list of table names\n"
00419, 00000, "COMPRESS   import into one extent (Y) RECORDLENGTH length of IO record\n"
00420, 00000, "GRANTS     export grants (Y)          INCTYPE      incremental export type\n"
00421, 00000, "INDEXES    export indexes (Y)         RECORD       track incr. export (Y)\n"
00422, 00000, "DIRECT     direct path (N)            TRIGGERS     export triggers (Y)\n"
00423, 00000, "LOG        log file of screen output  STATISTICS   analyze objects (ESTIMATE)\n"
00424, 00000, "ROWS       export data rows (Y)       PARFILE      parameter filename\n"
00425, 00000, "CONSISTENT cross-table consistency(N) CONSTRAINTS  export constraints (Y)\n\n"
00426, 00000, "OBJECT_CONSISTENT    transaction set to read only during object export (N)\n"
00427, 00000, "FEEDBACK             display progress every x rows (0)\n"
00428, 00000, "FILESIZE             maximum size of each dump file\n"
00429, 00000, "FLASHBACK_SCN        SCN used to set session snapshot back to\n"
00430, 00000, "FLASHBACK_TIME       time used to get the SCN closest to the specified time\n"
00431, 00000, "QUERY                select clause used to export a subset of a table\n"
00432, 00000, "RESUMABLE            suspend when a space related error is encountered(N)\n"
00433, 00000, "RESUMABLE_NAME       text string used to identify resumable statement\n"
00434, 00000, "RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT    wait time for RESUMABLE \n"
00435, 00000, "TTS_FULL_CHECK       perform full or partial dependency check for TTS\n"
00436, 00000, "VOLSIZE              number of bytes to write to each tape volume\n"
/ HELP messages for transportable tablespace, range defined as EXUTSHLP and
/ EXUTEHLP in exudef.h
// UI[461,463]
00461, 00000, "TABLESPACES          list of tablespaces to export\n"
00462, 00000, "TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE export transportable tablespace metadata (N)\n"
/ HELP message for iAS mode export.
00463, 00000, "TEMPLATE             template name which invokes iAS mode export\n"

Posted by 1010
02.Oracle/DataBase2008. 7. 8. 13:53

현재 export 받을려고 하는 DB1 의 기본 charset 은 KO16KSC5601 입니다.

그런데 TESTMALL 유저는 US7ASCII 의 DB2 를 export 받아서 import 한 유저입니다.

테이블및 기타오브젝트는 exp 와 imp 를 이용하여 import 했고

data는 한글이 깨지는 관계로 스크립트를 만들어서 import 했습니다.

이 유저를 다시 KO16KSC5601 의 또다른 DB3 에 import 하기 위해서

export 하려고 하니 다음과 같은 에러가 발생을 하네요.

Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
Export done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
server uses KO16KSC5601 character set (possible charset conversion)
. exporting pre-schema procedural objects and actions
. exporting foreign function library names for user TESTMALL
. exporting PUBLIC type synonyms
. exporting private type synonyms
. exporting object type definitions for user TESTMALL
About to export TESTMALL's objects ...
. exporting database links
. exporting sequence numbers
. exporting cluster definitions
EXP-00056: ORACLE error 1652 encountered
ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP
EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully

기존 방식처럼 export/import 하면 되겠지만 시간도 많이 걸리고 새로운 데이타가 몇개 있어서요.

DB1(KO16KSC5601) -> DB3(KO16KSC5601) 로 export/import 할 수 있는 방법이 없을까요?

Posted by 1010
90.개발관련문서2008. 7. 8. 10:39
친구 R군에게 전화가 왔다...

야! 글자크기 크게 하는게 h 뭐냐...?
엥..? 뭔소리야..

글자 색상은 폰트칼라로 바꾸고...
글자 크기는 에이치 로 바꾸잖아...


어제부터 공부를 하기 시작한 R군..잘 적응할지...걱정이된다..
Posted by 1010

스콧 조던(Scott Jordan)은 성공적인 변호사였다. 하지만 평생 동안 고객들과 상담하는 대신에 그는 차라리 잘 팔리는 상품을 하나 개발해서 천여 개를 판매하고자 했다. 그는 재빨리 아직까지 알맞은 상품이 존재하지 않았던 틈새를 발견했다. 미국인 스콧 조던은 아이팟(iPod), 팜(palm), 휴대폰, 디지털카메라, 물병, 그리고 신문을 넣어둘 공간이 있는 점퍼를 만들기를 원했다.

스콧 자신이 의류디자이너가 아니었기 때문에 그는 전문가를 고용했으며 여러 시험대상자를 대상으로 그들이 옷에 어떤 물건을 어떻게 쑤셔 넣고 사용하는지를 관찰했다. 이것의 결과물은 기능적이면서도 세련되어 보이는 점퍼였다. 세련되어 보이는 것 역시 스콧에게 매우 중요했다. 자기가 만든 의류가 눈길을 끌어야 했기 때문이다. 그는 곧바로 이 점퍼에 ‘스코티베스트(ScotteVest)’라는 이름을 붙여주었다.

홈페이지 : www.scottevest.com
자료출처 : Starting-up(독일)

Posted by 1010

어떤 이들은 몇 시간마다 담배를 찾고, 어떤 이들은 커피나 신선한 에스프레소를 찾는다. 하지만 만약 오지에 여행을 간다면 어디에서 맛있는 에스프레소를 찾을 수 있겠는가? 핸드프레소를 고안해낸 이들은 이러한 생각 끝에 이동식 에스프레소 머신을 개발한 것이다. 기계는 정말 손에 쥘 수 있는 공기 펌프처럼 생겼고, 심지어 그 사용원리도 이와 유사하다고 한다.

먼저 펌프질 하여 기계 내부에 일정 기압을 (16000hPa) 만들어 놓는다. 그 다음 뜨거운 물을 붓고, 에스프레소 파드(pod)를 집어넣는다. 그리곤 단추 하나만 누르면 펌프 아래에 세워놓은 잔 안으로 뜨거운 에스프레소가 흘러내린다.

물론 이러한 기계가 싼 것은 아니다. 제조사에서 기계 본체는 99유로이며, 다른 보조 용품들 가령 컵, 보온병, 보호 가방 등은 12~25유로 선이다. 실제적인 필요도 필요이지만, 주변 사람들로 하여금 확실히 감탄사를 자아내게 할 수 있는 기계라고 할 수 있을 것이다.

업체명: Handpresso SARL
홈페이지: http://www.handpresso.com/
자료출처 : Best practice 블로그(독일)

Posted by 1010
네비게이션의 지시가 불분명해서 길을 잃어버려 본 적이 있는가? 아니면 네비게이션 화면을 보느라 사고가 날 뻔 한 적이 있는가? 이러한 상황에 대한 해결책이 될 만한 상품이 여기에 있다. 독특한-아이디어-블로그는 이 상품 아이디어를 다음과 같이 묘사한다.

“비디오 게임에서처럼 자동차를 운전한다? 버츄얼 케이블이 장착된 차세대 네비게이션 시스템이 상용화 되면 이 상상은 현실이 될 수도 있을 것이다. 이 버츄얼 케이블은 레이저와 거울을 동원하여, GPS 신호를 통해 전달받는 3D 안내로를 자동차 전면 유리에 보여준다.”

길이 실제 도로 위에 그려지기 때문에, 운전자는 자신이 맞는 길을 따라 가고 있는지 확인하기 위해 재차 시선을 네비게이션으로 돌릴 필요가 없다. 이 새로운 네비게이션 시스템은 2007년 12월에 처음으로 ‘네비게이션 & 로케이션 2007’ 컨퍼런스에서 선보여졌다. 아직 시중에는 나오지 않았지만 당시 약 400유로 정도로 책정되었다고 한다.

업체명: Virtual Cable™, Making Virtual Solid, LLC
홈페이지: http://www.mvs.net/
자료출처 : Best practice 블로그(독일)

Posted by 1010
구현 환경 : IE5.5 이상

Sample Code :

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE>스크롤바의 색상 변경</TITLE>
<style type="text/css">
scrollbar-face-color: #FFFF99;
scrollbar-highlight-color: #000000;
scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000;
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #FFFFFF;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #FFFFFF;     
scrollbar-track-color: #FFFFFF;
</style> </HEAD>

<h1>스크롤바의 색상변경</h1>

주요 속성 :
- scrollbar-face-color     : 스크롤바의 바탕색 부분
- scrollbar-shadow-color   : 스크롤바의 선 중 음영 부분
- scrollbar-highlight-colo : 스크롤바의 선 중 하이라이트 부분
- scrollbar-arrow-color    : 스크롤바 화살표 부분

데모 :

- http://www.ihelpers.co.kr/programming/work/scrollbar.html
Posted by 1010
<PRE>편리한 웹사이트를 위하여 모두 운영하고 있는 사이트에 적용해 보세요.
- accesskey 속성지원 태그<a>,<area>,<input>,<label>,<legend>,<textarea>

- Sample Code<input type=text name=name value="" accesskey=u></PRE>

- Demo - input box

아이디(U) : <INPUT accessKey=u name=name>     * Alt-u 를 눌러 주세요.

-Demo - A tag
Yahoo | Empas | Hanmir |     * 포커스이동후 엔터를 눌러 주세요. <PRE>- 아이헬퍼스 적용사례1. 검색 ( Alt-s를 눌러 주세요. 그럼 검색으로 이동합니다. )2. 로그인 화면</PRE>

Posted by 1010
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://kr.yahoo.com/favicon.ico">
Posted by 1010

<head><title>Keyboard Event</title>
<meta name="author" content="moyamoya">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=euc-kr">
<style type="text/css">
td {font-family:'굴림체'; font-size:10pt;}
<script language="JavaScript">
function getKey(keyStroke) {
 eventChooser = (isNetscape) ? keyStroke.which : event.keyCode;
 which = String.fromCharCode(eventChooser).toLowerCase();
document.onkeypress = getKey;
// -->
키보드 이벤트... <br>
아무키나 눌러 보세요.

Posted by 1010
이미지 다운 금지... 물론 한계는 있지만 그래도 올려 보았습니다.
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
 var clickmessage="You Cannot save this Image"

function disableclick(e) {
  if (document.all) {
    if (event.button==2||event.button==3) {
         if (event.srcElement.tagName=="IMG"){
                 alert(clickmessage); return false; }
   if (document.layers) {
     if (e.which == 3) {
        return false;

function associateimages(){
     if (document.all){
     }else if (document.layers) {

<BODY bgcolor=lightyellow>
  <table align=center width=50% border=0 >
      <tr><td> <h3>마우스 오른쪽 버튼을 클릭 해 보세요</h3> </td></tr>
      <tr><td> <img src="img.jpg" border=1> </td></tr>

Posted by 1010
98..Etc/Etc...2008. 7. 7. 17:47
웹사이트 점검 및 분석 서비스

<FORM name=f1 action=check.php>

점검 <INPUT type=checkbox value=WHOIS name=WHOIS> 도메인 검색 및 조회(Whois)  <INPUT type=checkbox value=LOOKUP name=LOOKUP> DNS Lookup
<INPUT size=70 value=www.google.co.kr name=URL> <INPUT type=submit value=확인>   읽어보기
( 예 ) http://www.ihelpers.co.kr/programming/right11_list.phtml?TYPE=4&KEY=&FIELD=&PAGE=2
<FORM name=df action=dns.php method=get>
DNS Lookup
도메인 : <INPUT maxLength=22 value=ihelpers.co.kr name=domain> <INPUT type=submit value=확인> <INPUT type=checkbox CHECKED value=A name=A>A Record <INPUT type=checkbox CHECKED value=MX name=MX>MX Record <INPUT type=checkbox value=SCANPORT name=SCANPORT>Scan Port <INPUT type=checkbox value=RELAY name=RELAY>Check Relay
( 예 ) ihelpers.co.kr or </FORM>

도메인 검색 및 조회(Whois)
<FORM name=wf action=whois.php>도메인 : <INPUT value=ihelpers name=DOMAIN> <INPUT type=submit value=전송> <INPUT type=hidden value=C name=WC> <INPUT type=radio CHECKED value=L name=TYPE>등록여부검색 <INPUT type=radio value=V name=TYPE>등록내용조회 </FORM>

웹서버 정보 조회
<FORM name=fw action=webserver.php>Host or URL : <INPUT size=50 value=www.google.co.kr name=URL> <INPUT type=submit value=전송> <INPUT type=radio CHECKED value=HEAD name=TYPE>Head <INPUT type=radio value=GET name=TYPE>Get
[ 예 ] www.ihelpers.co.kr,http://www.ihelpers.co.kr/webtools/index.php </FORM>

링크 점검
<FORM name=fw action=checkLinks.php>URL : <INPUT size=50 value=www.ihelpers.co.kr name=URL> <INPUT type=submit value=전송>
[ 예 ] www.ihelpers.co.kr,http://www.ihelpers.co.kr/webtools/index.php </FORM>

<FORM name=fe action=checkEmail.php>이메일 점검
Email : <INPUT onclick="document.fe.EMAIL.value='';" size=30 value=smson@ihelpers.co.kr name=EMAIL> <INPUT type=submit value=전송> <INPUT type=checkbox CHECKED value=V name=V>Verbose
( 예 ) smson@ihelpers.co.kr </FORM>

Posted by 1010


<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=euc-kr">
<title>FIEDSET 예제</title>
<meta name="generator" content="Namo WebEditor FX">

<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="blue" vlink="purple" alink="red">
<p><fieldset style="width:200; height:150;border-width:2px;border-color:blue;padding:7pt;" align="center"><legend align="center">나모돌이의
<p>- 나모초등학교<br>- 나모중학교<br>- 나모고등학교<br>- 나모대학교</fieldset></p>


Posted by 1010
98..Etc/Etc...2008. 7. 7. 17:45
Posted by 1010


Posted by 1010

<img src="" onerror="이미지주소";

Posted by 1010

<META HTTP-EQUIV="page-enter" content="BlendTrans(Dueation=0.3)">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="page-exit" content="BlendTrans(Dueation=0.3)">

<a href="http://www.naver.com">페이지 이동</a>

Posted by 1010